Over 600 Turn Out for Pamela Geller Speech
Over 600 turned out Sunday at Chabad of Great Neck to hear activist Pamela Geller voice her opinion.
Over 600 turned out Sunday at Chabad of Great Neck to hear activist Pamela Geller voice her opinion.
It’s 5am in Brooklyn on a recent morning, and as most of New York City catches its last bit of sleep, a few men are strapping on forty pound backpacks and going out for a hike, as they prepare for the adventure of a lifetime.
Bochurim who are studying Semicha in Chovevei Torah on Eastern Parkway posed today for a group photo.
A pair of explosions went off at the finish line of the Boston Marathon and dozens were injured. Horrific photos and videos were instantly shared on social media sites which showed the carnage. Information is still coming in – the amount of casualties is still unknown.
Hundreds filled the Razag Ballroom in Crown Heights last week to hear prominent mechanchim speak on “How Do I Give My Children a Chassidishe Chinuch?” The event was organized by Merkaz Anash and dedicated l’ilui nishmas the beloved mechanech Rabbi Yeshayah Schtroks a”h on his first yahrtziet. The event was watched and heard live by hundreds more via TorahCafe and a call-in number.
This Wednesday, Zayin Iyar, marks 8 years since Rabbi Levi Bialo OBM, Shliach of the Rebbe to Markham, Ontario passed away. In his z’chus a Tefill-IN-Thon campaign is being launched.
One thousand pounds of hand-made dough, gallons upon gallons of special homemade tomato sauce, kosher mozzarella cheese by the bucket multiplied by several hundred. Mix the ingredients together, throw em’ into a brick-oven and what do you get?
Lubavitcher Yeshiva of Ocean Parkway’s Auction took place Sunday in Crown Heights. “And the winners are… the hundreds of people who supported the learning of our dear talmidim” said Rabbi Sholom Avtzon.
A shoplifter was apprehended and arrested after stealing two items from a Kingston Avenue store. The items were valued at a mere $6.