Tefill-IN-Thon in Honor of Levi Bialo’s 8th Yahrtzeit

This Wednesday, Zayin Iyar, marks 8 years since Rabbi Levi Bialo OBM, Shliach of the Rebbe to Markham, Ontario passed away. In his z’chus a Tefill-IN-Thon campaign is being launched.

It feels like just a few years ago that Rabbi Levi Bialo was directing Chabad of Markham’s Young Adults programs. Inspiring and igniting the soul of every Jew with his passion for the Rebbe’s teachings and his amazing sense of humor that had everyone he came in contact with feel proud to be Jewish.

Levi was also a teacher at the Cheder Chabad of Toronto. One of his former students related an interaction with Levi that he will always remember. One time, when he was walking down the hall obviously sad, Levi noticed. Levi didn’t just stop to ask him what’s wrong, but lowered himself down to his students height, put his hand around his shoulder, and so gently asked how he can help him.

During Shiva, Rabbi Schochet in Toronto mentioned that it was no coincidence that Levi passed away on the Sefira of Chesed Shebinetzach, love through endurance. Levi was the epitome of kindness. Levi cared and loved those around him and was always there to listen, help and guide.

After Zayin Iyar, people around the world called and emailed all the beautiful stories about Levi. It was incredible that in his short 25 years of life, he had effected so many people, many of whom are still keeping their Hachlatas in his honor.

Levi still has many admirers and friends who talk about him often and tell stories about all his funny remarks and inspiring words.

One thing Levi loved to do most was Mivtzoim. He would give over Sichos from the Rebbe and put Tefillin on Yidden as often as possible.

As someone on his Mivtzoim route aptly put it “Levi was larger than life. His passion for teaching others through his love of Judaism was evident in his drive to make a difference in the lives of those that he met. He was not only a mentor but a friend and someone that I share a special brotherhood with thanks to his passion of life.”

Levi continues to be a huge source of inspiration in the lives of all those who had the extreme merit of knowing him.

Rabbi Dov Bialo, Levi’s brother and Shliach of the Rebbe at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, wants to do something special in Levi’s honor. He will be holding a first annual Tefill-IN-Thon. Rabbi Dov will wrap Tefillin on as many men as possible on the day of the Yahrtzeit. The Teffil-IN-Thon will certainly be the motivating “excuse” for students to put on  Tefillin, many of them for their very first time.

There is no greater Mitzva than Tzedaka. Please join and sponsor for each person that puts on Tefillin by CLICKING HERE as we help raise funds for the Beis Levi Yitzchok Portland Chabad Student Center. This year, with your help, let’s give Levi a gift that will cause his Neshama to dance in Gan Eden. Tefillin AND Tzedakah!

Thank you and may we all merit the coming of Moshiach now!!


  • best head counselor

    I didn’t know him very well but he was my head counselor in machane. BDE

  • Chen

    I love Reb Levi! Miss him very much!

    Last time I saw him was at the Moshiach Seuda in C-town. I remember him saying “you don’t make a birthday party for someone and not expect the birthday boy to show up”!! Same thing with the Moshiach Seuda , we expect him to show up!

    Here really was the best guy!

    No pop, no rebbe – di kfar!!

  • Cleveland

    Levi’s shluchis started in Cleveland when him and his brother Dov and other brothers rocked the house. Davening, learning and giving the shul so much Chayos! Levi I hope we’re making you proud!

  • His name please

    What’s his full name? Levi ?Yitzchok? ben _______
    for mishnayos for his neshama.

  • A real mentch

    I remember you as a bochur in Israel. You made sure the Americans where in place :) You always treated everybody nicely.