Weekly Living Torah: I Miss Mrs. Schneerson So Much
A doctor of the Rebbe’s wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, and a household attendant of hers, visit the Rebbe after her passing.
A doctor of the Rebbe’s wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, and a household attendant of hers, visit the Rebbe after her passing.
With thousands of extra guests in Crown Heights the shopping thoroughfares were far busier then usual. Our CrownHeights.info photographer took a walk in the frigid weather and presents here a photo gallery.
Rabbi Moshe Weiss, a rabbi and entrepreneur from St. Paul, MN, will appear on Shark Tank, an ABC reality TV show, this Friday night. On the show, participants pitch their business ideas and investment opportunities to a team of entrepreneurs and business executives. Weiss pitched his “SoundBender” product, a device designed to amplify an iPad’s speaker without the use of batteries.
There is precious little that we know about the Rebbetzen Chaya Mushka Schneerson, wife of the Rebbe. She personified dignity and modesty. She in her own quite way made a difference in many people’s lives.
This Shabbos, the 22nd of Shevat, is her 25th Yahrtzeit, may the “living take to heart” her good deeds.
This Shabbos at the Besht, Rabbi Chaim Miller will lead a discussion on the topic of the game of life, and how Chassidus guides us.
CrownHeights.info and the Lubavitch Archives presents a a collection of photos of the Rebbe Davening in his and the Rebbetzins home on President Street.
For Thursday afternoon the Shluchos made their way to the Edan Palace Conference Center in Williamsburg, where they participated session covering a wide array of different topics, from raising Chassidisher Children to maintaining enthusiasm for Shlichus.
Former New York City mayor Ed Koch who died Friday morning at the age of 88 said in 2008 he has engraved on his tombstone the final statement of murdered journalist Daniel Pearl. How befitting that now they share the same date as their Yohrtzeit.
Lubavitch Scotland was definitely on the ball yesterday morning. For Glasgow Celtic’s Israeli footballer Rami Gershon popped in to the city’s Shul in the Park for morning prayers following an invitation from Rabbi Mendel Jacobs.
Former Mayor Ed Koch passed away early this morning, he was 88. Koch had been in and out of the hospital in recent months, and was admitted Monday at New York Presbyterian Medical Center.
Thursday Morning the Kinus Hashluchos began with an opening session at the Oholei Torah ballroom welcoming all the Shluchos.
Yisro: We all encounter moments of inspiration that contain the potential to transform our entire perspective; moments of mystical exposure that can lift us above the mundane fray of our daily routine. But instead of stopping to observe, we just keep moving, oblivious to the presence of heavenly splendor and grace.