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Single Released in Honor of Moshe Yess’s Yahrtzeit

Two years ago the world of Jewish music experienced a great loss with the passing of Moshe Yess, a beloved entertainer and gifted musician whose troubadour – inspired audiences throughout the world. Yess, who is best known for the song “My Zaidy,“ was a Baal Teshuva, who lived in Montreal, Canada, and was working as a performer and teacher until his untimely passing.

The Story of Here’s My Story

It began one Shabbos last winter, when members of the Union Street Shteibel in Crown Heights were treated to a story of the Rebbe at their weekly Kiddush. Rabbi Elkanah Shmotkin, JEM’s director, had heard a fascinating story of the Rebbe which had recently been recorded in a My Encounter with the Rebbe interview, and he shared it with his fellow congregants.