Our Heros: Reb Eliyohu Chaim Roitblat (1908-1997)

by Rabbi Michoel Seligson

Hachossid Reb Eliyohu Chaim Abulsky (Roitblat) was born in 1908 to Hachossid Reb Shmaryohu, known as Shmerel the Melamed, and Mrs. Shterna Baila in Nevelle. His unique features were already obvious in childhood, and his friends later recalled his exceptional yiras shomayim, which was above the average. An example of his extraordinary fear of Hashem was his resolution to begin putting on Rabenu Tam Tefillin at the time of his Bar Mitzva, something unusual of in those days.

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Mitzvahs are the Gifts at Memorial Bar Mitzvah Service

When young Levi Wolowik was not up and ready to go to synagogue one Shabbat morning four years ago, his mother was concerned. It was not like her nine-year-old son to sleep in. He was usually the first one out of the house to attend synagogue — not only to pray, but also to be of assistance to others in any way possible. When his mother went into his room to wake him up, the family’s life went into turmoil. “We realized Levi would never wake up,” said his younger brother Dovid. “Our family will never be the same.”