Didan Notzach: $144M Suit Against Shomrim Tossed

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] – Three and a half years later, the Crown Heights Shomrim Volunteers who were brutally persecuted in one of Crown Heights’ most ugly Mesiras to date have scored a final and definite victory, when a New York State court tossed out a $144 million lawsuit which has been hanging over their heads since December 2008.

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CGI Toronto Begins Inaugural Summer with a Bang

Campers and staff got off the bus amazed by the sight that met their eyes. A brand new shul and dining room, pristine grounds, stunning scenery, and a vast lake so crisp it can make one thirsty. They were soon to learn though, that the fine accommodations were only the beginning. A magnificent program was awaiting them, with fun filled activities and exciting trips.