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Our Heroes: Reb Chaim Zvi Hirsch Konikov

by Esther Caplan – N’shei Chabad Newsletter

Reb Chaim Zvi Hirsch Konikov was born in 1897 is a small town in Russia * He was an adherent follower of the Frierdiker Rebbe, and witnesses many miracles while living in Czarist and communist Russia which saved his life on many occasions * Arriving in New York with his family in 1929, he was one of the founding members of the Chabad community in the U.S. * He passed away on 24 Tammuz, 1956.

Is Guma Alive and Hiding?

ABC News

Deepening the mystery of missing millionaire Guma Aguiar‘s disappearance, experts examining newly released GPS data from Aguiar’s boat say it could suggest a scenario in which he jumped ship and boarded a waiting boat mid-sea.