Shazar Provides ‘Backup’ for Charedi Draft Opponents


The 200 New Israeli Shekel banknote.

As the equal share of the burden movement continues to demonstrate in favor of universal military or national service for all Israeli citizens, Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox insist that Torah study helps the nation no less than the army, and were it not for prayer, the country would be in parlous state. The haredim recently noticed that their claims are backed up by a rather unexpected source.

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Dor Yeshorim: A Community’s Twist on Genetic Tests

Wall Street Journal

In Williamsburg, a bustling Brooklyn enclave across the East River from Manhattan, a sect of ultra-Orthodox Jews dresses in garb common to 18th- and 19th-century Europe and adheres to even more-ancient religious traditions. Yet they are wrestling with the most modern of questions: When it comes to genetic testing, how much does a person need to know?

New Facebook App to Detect Child Predators

Israeli Ben-Gurion University of the Negev undergraduate students have developed a new privacy solution for Facebook. The ‘Social Privacy Protector’ can help parents adjust their children’s profiles in one click, prevent criminals from garnering valuable personal information and keep teens safe from pedophiles.

The ‘Boot’ Arrives in Crown Heights

We reported recently that the city is beginning a new program where, instead of towing a car to the pound for accumulated unpaid tickets, they put a ‘boot’ lock on one of the car’s wheels. Once the fines are paid up, the owner gets the code to open the lock.

Chabad of S. Monica Celebrates Religious Freedom

Each year, tens of thousands of spectators gather together in ‘Simcha Monica,’ California for a grand parade in honor of the fourth of July. The parade, which runs for approximately two miles, is filled with many kinds of floats. Since its inception, Chabad in Simcha Monica has played a major role in the parade in order to spread the light of Judaism to the masses in an unprecedented manner.

Photos: Y.S.P. Goes Ice Skating

Bochurim attending the Yeshiva Summer Program in Morristown, NJ were treated to an ice skating trip on Thursday, July 5th. In addition to the skating, the Bochurim enjoyed laser tag and arcade games as well.