Study: Israeli Jews Becoming More Religious

Jerusalem Post

Israeli Jews are becoming more religious, according to a study published Thursday by the Israel Democracy Institute in conjunction with the Avi Chai Foundation. The survey, entitled “A Portrait of Israeli Jews: Beliefs, Observance, and Values of Israeli Jews,” examined levels of religiosity of Israeli Jews in comparison with levels of the past twenty years.

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Davening with Patience in Melbourne

Davening is an essential part of the day, and a major emphasis in Chabad’s theology. With this in mind, a group of yungeleit in Melbourne, who are determined to daven unhurriedly and with focus – and still arrive at work on time, recently established a new minyan for Shachris.

Houston Chabad House Lives it Up with New Torah

Jewish Herald-Voice

The writing of a new sefer Torah is a joyous occasion that few Jews have the opportunity to witness in their lifetime. However, Houston is blessed with individuals who help preserve future Jewish generations by donating new sefer Torahs for Arks that may have been home only to Torahs on loan.

Chanchy Bruk’s Torah to Be Completed in Montana

On Sunday, 5th of Shevat, friends and family will join Rabbi Chaim Shaul Bruk and the Jewish community of Bozeman, Montana for a once in a lifetime celebration, the inauguration of two new Torahs to the local Chabad House. One of the Torahs is being dedicated in memory of the Shliach’s mother, and beloved Beis Rivkah teacher, Mrs. Chanchy Bruk of belssed memory.

Ottawa Students Feed the Homeless

Shalom Life

Students deliver food to the homeless in the cold.

The Chabad Student Network of Ottawa (CSN) delivered close to 150 hot dogs and peanut butter sandwiches to the homeless on Wednesday, as part of an initiative co-organized by the Jewish fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi.

Rainbow in the Night: Breathtaking New Music Video Takes on Holocaust Deniers

by Sandy Eller

Living in an age where the sixty second sound bites rules and a world of information can be carried in the palm of your hand, we constantly look ahead to the next new obsession, making it more important than ever to stay connected to our roots in order to ensure that as time continues its exorable march forward, the legacy that is our past stays fresh in our minds. As the last living witnesses to the horrors of Hitler’s unspeakable schemes live out their golden years, the movement to deny the Holocaust gains momentum, seeking to eradicate one of the defining periods in Jewish history by revising the annals of history.