Pictures from the wedding of Nosson Moshe Rozenfeld (Melbourne, Australia) and Chava Ester Adler (Toronto, Canada), which took place on Monday, January 23, 2012, at the Oholei Torah ballroom.

Wedding: Rozenfeld – Adler

Pictures from the wedding of Nosson Moshe Rozenfeld (Melbourne, Australia) and Chava Ester Adler (Toronto, Canada), which took place on Monday, January 23, 2012, at the Oholei Torah ballroom.


  • The Patriot

    Raising another country’s flag in the USA without the US Flag above or at minimum to the right, is anti american and against the law. This photo should be deleted. “Hilchos de’Medina K’Halocha.

  • Milhouse

    #3, ever hear of the first amendment? There is no such law, and there cannot be such a law. And in any case, throwing a few random Hebrew words together doesn’t impress anyone. What do you imagine “Hilchos de’Medina K’Halocha” means?

  • love it!

    @ #3. thanks for the comment. thaat’s why people LOVE reading comments. you make us laugh!

  • Observer

    #3 & 4. Tone it down! It’s NOT anti-American, and there IS a Flag Code:

    “(c) No other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the flag of the United States of America, . …. No person shall display the flag of ,,,,, any other national or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence or honor to or in place of the flag of the United States ……”

    That said, the wedding celebrants meant no disrespect. One must exercise some common sense.

  • Caped crusade

    The only issue I have with the flag is the cross on it. We are careful to teach our kids to curl the lower case t so that it will not look like across, yet I often see Aussies and british lubavitchers waving flags that have the cross of st. James

  • Whatever

    #7 — While agreeing with your point, I think it worth noting that you left out a relevant point about the Flag Code. It, by its own terms, is “simply … a guide to be voluntarily followed by civilians and civilian groups.” In other words, while there is a code, it is not one that mandates adherence on the part of non-government agencies, etc. Yes, people should lighten up. No, there was no violatin of the law of the land.

  • Milhouse

    #7 You can have as many codes as you like, but there CANNOT be such a law, because the first amendment prohibits it. A “law” that contradicts the first amendment is not a law; Congress has no authority to make it, and there is no reason not to ignore it.

  • B O B

    SCREW THE FLAG ISSUE… Yahayaha ALILI Yaha Aliyi Tunce Tunce Dance — Dance your hearts out you fools.

  • aussie

    #3,4,6,7,8,9,10 i hope ur joking bec ur making me laugh so hard. #11 i agree
    take a chill and enjoy other countries too :) we love everyone

  • Eve and Sol

    Mazal tov to Nossi and Chava! we are so sorry that we could not be there with you.we wish you happiness always