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Shluchim inspire Bochurim of Chovevei Torah

Over the course of the International Conference of Shluchim this year, the bochurim of Chovevei Torah were privileged to hear from several shluchim who took time out of their busy schedules to share some of their inspiration. They spoke about and told stories of their shlichus and encouraged the bochurim to increase their learning.

Op-Ed: Why Are People Defending the Predators?

by a Survivor

I am a victim of abuse. Well actually, I’m a survivor. I no longer consider myself a victim, as I am slowly breaking out of that lowly hell, and moving forward to a better place in life. I came forward a little while ago about the abuse I went through, and doing so was one of the biggest and most painful decisions I had made in my life. It was like pulling off the scab off an old wound that never healed properly.

Picture of the Day: NYDN Photographer Gets Strapped

It’s not every day that you get to see over 4000 rabbis get together for one photo, and naturally, many photographers are drawn to this sight. One photographer, David Handschuh, who works for the NY Daily News, was exposed to one of the true missions of Shluchim when Rabbi Raleigh Resnick, Shliach to Pleasanton, CA, asked him “excuse me sir, are you Jewish?” and proceeded to lay Tefillin with him.