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Chabad Schools In Tunis Close As Rioting Continues

by Mordechai Lightstone –

Tzipporah Juarez, a Tunisian expat living in New York, is nervously following the news coming from Tunis. Desperate to know what is going on as it happens, she depends on Twitter, itself considered a catalyst in ending the 23 year career of Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s autocratic rule.

Kinus HaChadorim of the Tzeirei HaShluchim

Chassidim are one family. Most of us are aware of this quote from HaYom Yom, but this Monday, the pisgam came to life as over 75 Tzerei HaShluchim joined in the 3rd annual Kinus HaChadorim, in the Chabad Center of Newtown PA.

A Weekend with an Impact in Ukraine

CHERNIGOV — Each Shabbat, after services, the attendees sit down for a ‘farbrengen’ or Chassidic gathering, where, along with some good kosher food, they sing, tell stories, and are inspired to keep their Jewish identity and pride burning strong.

Bloomberg Wants More Power Over Workforce

by Jacob Gershman – Wall Street Journal

NEW YORK — Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is pessimistic that Albany will come through with enough money to allow the city to avoid layoffs, wants Gov. Andrew Cuomo and state lawmakers to give his administration more power to decide which workers should keep or lose their jobs.