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Op-Ed: From One Shomrim Volunteer to Another

It was with mixed emotions that I heard the news. Five of my fellow Shomrim members had been officially cleared as NOT guilty, while you were cleared of all 16 charges, except one charge of third-degree assault.

I wasn’t the only one who was shocked. All who were present in the courtroom were, as well. The judge literally jumped out of his seat when he learned that even with all of the lies and conspiring theories, they had found one proof of assault beyond a reasonable doubt.

I would think that after weeks of trial, of not being able to tend to your family and not being able to work, you would go take the night off. But you didn’t. Mere hours after the verdict I heard you on the Shomrim radio, as if nothing had happened, dispatching a call for Shomrim assistance. Hearing your warm voice, so full of love and dedication to what you are best known for, was truly uplifting.

When The Going Gets Tough – The Torah’s View on Challenge and Adversity

By Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov Jax, Fl.

Spotting an extraordinary teacup, a middle age couple who shared a deep appreciation for fine antiques and pottery, asked the proprietor of a local antique shop if they might have a closer look: “We’ve never seen a cup quite as beautiful,” they told the lady as she handed them the delicate article.

“I’ve not always been a teacup, you know,” whispered the antique as they took her into their hands. “There was a time when I was just a lump of clay.” “Oh, please tell us more,” urged the awestruck couple.

“As I said, I was once just a lump of red clay when my master took me and rolled me and repeatedly pounded and patted me. ‘Don’t do that,’ I yelled. ‘I don’t like it!’ But he only smiled and gently repeated, ‘Not yet, not yet.’

Then, wham! I was placed on a spinning wheel and suddenly I was spun around and around. ‘Stop it! I’m so dizzy, I’m going to be sick!’ I screamed. But the master only nodded and muttered quietly, ‘Not yet’.

JabadTube Kids! – Special Chanukah Edition!

Rabbi Yosef Slavin of JabadTube, Shliach to Venezuela, produces a weekly 3 minute Dvar Torah in Spanish on YouTube. It is sent throughout Venezuela and Spanish speakers worldwide. For Chanukah he made a special video about Chanukah starring his wife Goldie and children, Mendel, Dov, Shua and Leibel.

The video is in Spanish and has English subtitles. Enjoy!

Nathan Lewin To Lead Rubashkin Legal Defense Team

Friends, Family Ask Help Raising Funds For Legal Defense

The Rubashkin family has announced that it will retain the services of Nathan Lewin to lead the appeals of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin. The family is working in close cooperation with a legal committee of attorneys including Professor Aaron Twerski, Irving Seidman, Robert Simins and Jeff Schwartz.

Interview: The Story Behind the Brass Menorah In 770

Built in 1982, the Menorah that was lit in downstairs 770 before the Rebbe on the nights of Chanukah has quite the story behind it. Sitting down for an exclusive interview with Reb Herschel Pekkar, a London native tells us how he was approached by Bochurim who asked him, just 4 days before Chanukah, to build the Menorah.