Video: A Daughters Plea for her Father

Pidyon Shvuyim is one of the greatest mitzvos possible. In today’s day and age, the way to fulfill this imperative is often by helping with legal fees. What better way to enter Yom Kippur than knowing you helped save the life of a fellow yid.

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Op-Ed: A Flame before Nations

By Getzy Markowitz – Opinion of the Masses

PM Benjamin Netanyahu shows the building plans of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in which 1 million Jews perished at the hands of the Nazis before the UN general assembly. Inset: Getzy Markowitz.

Before assuming his new post as Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations in 1984, Benjamin Netanyahu was guided by the Lubavitcher Rebbe who referred to the international institution as a “house of darkness.” The Rebbe encouraged Netanyahu to light a candle that would be seen from afar. Bibi was to serve, quite literally, as a ‘light unto the nations.’ Twenty years later, at the sixty-fourth UN General Assembly, Netanyahu spoke truth to power, and turned a house of darkness ablaze, as the Prime Minister of the Jewish State.

From the People Who Brought You the Jewish Renaissance Fair: SUKKOS 2009!

Yes! Moshe and Sarah Morgenstern created and produced the very first and the second Jewish Renaissance Fair from their tiny apartment in Morristown, New Jersey, when they were newly married. They went on to other endeavors and handed over the Fair to the very capable hands of their dear friend, Boruch Klar, at the Rabbinical College of America.

Photos: New Torah Dedicated at Chabad of Stamford

In Stamford Connecticut a New Sefer Torah was dedicated at the Chabad Lubavitch Center. The Sefer Torah was donated and commissioned by a member of the community who wishes to remain anonymous. According to Rabbi Yisrael Deren, a participant in Chabad’s fairly new Minyan was in Shul when the single Torah needed to be rolled to a new section for Maftir. After davening he approached Rabbi Deren and said he would like to donate a Torah in memory of his grandparents and only asked that his name not be publicized.

Kansas Church Travels to Bklyn to Target Jews in Hate Rally

By Ben Chapman for the NY Daily News

Members of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas protest in front of Village Hall, in New Paltz, N.Y.

BROOKLYN, NY — They’re not in Kansas anymore.

Topeka-based hate group Westboro Baptist Church is targeting Brooklyn Jews with a barrage of hate-filled demonstrations this week.

Weekly Unique Picture of the Rebbe! and the Avner Institute would like to present a Beautiful Photo of the Rebbe leaving 770 on Motzoei Yom Kippur. To learn more about the Rebbe Visit:

Friendship Circle Launches New Website

In honor of the new year, The Friendship Circle of Crown Heights has launched a new interactive website, designed to help the community better understand and access its phenomenal programming. Click on over to and see where you can make a difference.

Congressman, Thousands Walk for Children With Special Needs

by Chana Kroll –

A pair of toddler percussionists wowed a crowd of nearly 5,000 people who attended the fourth-annual Walk for Friendship in suburban in Detroit.

WEST BLOOMFIELD, MI — Nearly 5,000 people, including a U.S. Congressman and a local disc jockey, packed the streets of West Bloomfield, Mich., to raise awareness for children with special needs.

Welcome to the Days of Awe

Wentworth Courier

Rabbi Eli Feldman celebrates the Jewish New Year at the Yeshiva Centre. Photo: ALAN PLACE

SYDNEY, Australia — Jews in the Eastern Suburbs recited prayers near flowing water, blew trumpets made of rams’ horns and ate fish heads and honey-dipped apples at the weekend, in celebration of the Jewish New Year.

Rosh Hashana, which literally means “head of the year”, is an important religious event in the Jewish faith, signifying the creation of man.

Brooklyn Family Keeps Latino-Jewish Traditions Alive


Every Friday evening, the Nunez family sits down to a traditional religious dinner.

Like most families in their Crown Heights neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, their Jewish Sabbath meal includes blessings over the wine and bread, the company of family and friends and excellent food.

Gedalia Shaffers Murderer Sentenced to 17 Years in Prison

Press Telegram

Gedalia Shaffer OBM

LONG BEACH, CA — A 30-year-old Los Angeles man pleaded no contest Wednesday to a charge that he killed a 61-year-old rabbi while driving drunk two years ago.

Willie Norton Jr., 30, entered his plea – considered the same as a guilty plea in criminal court – as jury selection was slated to begin in his trial Wednesday, said Long Beach Police Sgt. Hans Kohnlein.

After entering his plea Norton was promptly sentenced to 17 years in prison, said Kohnlein, who is in charge of the Accident Investigations Detail.

The victim, [Gedalia] Shaffer, was visiting from Brooklyn, New York, on March 7, 2007, when the fatal crash occurred.

Video – Rabbis Arrested in Protests Against Iran

Police in New York City arrested 11 rabbis on Thursday evening after they blocked a road near the United Nations General Assembly. The roads were blocked in protest of an anticipated speech from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Urgent PSA from Taharas Hamishpacha International

The Jewish Woman’s Personal Calendar will iyh be available shortly. (next week.) In the interim, please click here for a free download of the month of Cheshvan. You can also request the page of Cheshvan be faxed to you by the calling our office at: 718-756-5700. The new calendar will be accompanied by a free DVD Tutorial on Keeping Your Mikvah Calendar 101.