The Crown Heights Election Results

For the Vaad the following were voted in: 719 – Fishel Brownstein, 639 – Chanina Sperlin, 594 – Elie Poltorak, 513 – Zev Cadaner. The following were not voted in: 421 – Yaacov Rogalsky, 416 – Yossel Mochkin, 311 – Mendel Shagalov, 282 – Yossi Keller, 220 – Zaki Tamir, 208 – Avraham Bialestock.

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Op-Ed: They All Must Go, Time for Radical Change

Let me begin by saying that I have no doubt as to the sincere motivation of all who are serving in community posts today. That includes the rabbonim as well as the netzigim, gabboyim and vaad hakohol, Shomrim and Shmira etc.

However, something is just not working in Crown Heights. I have not lived there in some time, but even when I left, the beauty and kedusha of Kan Tziva Hashem es haBrocho, of the Rebbe’s Dalet Amos, was obscured by physical decline that mirrored the societal and spiritual decline which is sadly gaining a greater and greater foothold in Crown Heights.

We are beset by problems of children going off the derech, of adults who are barely hanging on physically as well as spiritually, of rising crime, and of a general atmosphere of decline. Then there is the problem of tznius which deserves separate mention, though sadly it is a problem throughout Chabad and not only in Crown Heights.

Celebrating Rabbi Kotlarskys 60th, New Sefer Compiled

To mark Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky’s 60th birthday today, Rosh Chodesh Sivan, JLI published “Yalkut Yoma Tava L’Rabanan”, a 72-page compilation of Torah sources on the significance of reaching 60 years.

Click Here to see a PDF of the Sefer.

3 Flatbush Yeshivas Close Due to Swine Flu

CHI Edit: The three Yeshivas: Magen David Yeshiva, located on McDonald Ave and Ave S, Mesores Bais Yaakov, located on Ocean Ave and Ave I, and Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel, located at 1271 East 31st St. Many more Yeshivos are soon to follow.

BROOKLYN, NY [JTA] — A Flatbush yeshiva has been closed after two students were diagnosed with swine flu.

Op-Ed: Who’s who?

Who’s who you ask, allow me to tell you but first let make an introduction – Politics.

Crown Heights has a history in politics, to the average Crown Heightser its “let them fight” and “who cares” or “I’m not interested” is that so? In politics there are a couple of aspects – rumors, propaganda, and fact.

Rumors come from one party and spread from a misunderstanding of the whole situation and without any fact backing and no one wanting to stand by their own statement.

Propaganda is when a party would like the community and its residents to believe that they are the right and just cause, and that they are fighting for your rights and in turn they receive your support.

600 Attend Siyum HaRambam in Johannesburg South Africa

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa [CHI] — Over 600 people attended a unique Siyum Harambam in Johannesburg. The event organised and sponsored by Chabad House Johannesburg took the form of a unique presentation by a senior advocate and acting High Court Judge, Guy Hoffmann: a presentation by renowned Professor of Medicine, Harry Seftel; and Rosh Yeshiva of Machon Lahoraah – Rabbi Levy Wineberg.

Put on Your Best Clothes Before Going Out: Google’s Camera Car May Cross Your Path

By Corey Kilgannon and Noam Cohen for the NY Times

NEW YORK, NY — Smile, New York — it’s time for your close-up.

In the past few days, a gray four-door sedan with 360-degree panoramic cameras on its roof has been roaming the city’s streets, photographing sidewalks and buildings. It is on a mission for Google, creating a virtual streetscape for Street View, a feature of the Google Maps Web site.

LAST CALL: This Sunday 80 Amazing Prizes will be Raffled Off!

Dear fellow Crown Heights’ers,

Last week was our pre drawing of the Grand Prize $10,000 cash. The prize was won by Alan Kellen from NJ. We wish him the best and may his Mazal continue growing strong.

Hurry and join the Shluchim Auction – A Whole New Twist! You can win prizes for yourself while benefiting your fellow Shluchim and Shluchos around the world.

Poltorak Threatens Berger with Sanctions for Disseminating Misinformation

Dear Mr. Berger,

This shall serve as a response to your letter addressed to Dr. Lang but distributed to my clients and the community at large. Your letter is patently false and a blatant attempt to intimidate my clients and sow confusion in the community with respect to the upcoming elections.

As you well know, I appeared in the Appellate Division pro se, as well as on behalf of all of the other Respondents—except for Zaki Tamir and those represented by Mr. Rudofsky. This is reflected in the RADI form and was clearly stated during our conference with the court attorney.