Who's who you ask, allow me to tell you but first let make an introduction - Politics.

Crown Heights has a history in politics, to the average Crown Heightser its “let them fight” and “who cares” or “I'm not interested” is that so? In politics there are a couple of aspects - rumors, propaganda, and fact.

Rumors come from one party and spread from a misunderstanding of the whole situation and without any fact backing and no one wanting to stand by their own statement.

Propaganda is when a party would like the community and its residents to believe that they are the right and just cause, and that they are fighting for your rights and in turn they receive your support.

Op-Ed: Who’s who?

Who’s who you ask, allow me to tell you but first let make an introduction – Politics.

Crown Heights has a history in politics, to the average Crown Heightser its “let them fight” and “who cares” or “I’m not interested” is that so? In politics there are a couple of aspects – rumors, propaganda, and fact.

Rumors come from one party and spread from a misunderstanding of the whole situation and without any fact backing and no one wanting to stand by their own statement.

Propaganda is when a party would like the community and its residents to believe that they are the right and just cause, and that they are fighting for your rights and in turn they receive your support.

Fact is hard on paper – who’s the plaintiff who’s the defendant? Who’s the accuser who’s the accused? Who’s the legal owner and who’s the intruder?

Many of us truly don’t care and would like to go on with our daily lives, without getting involved with any party or politics. But as we go about our lives we are influenced by rumors and propaganda, and as we engage in conversation on these issues this is what our argument becomes. So why are we influenced by things that are simply opposite fact? Either because it’s just easier to believe then to ask. Or its just comfortable for our little worlds and we would like to side with what we think works for us or fits with what we would like to think as our own principle and values.

For example when seeking to send our child to camp or seeking a summer job we have no problem with a camp which is engulfed in politics from its establishment with a Psak din on paper (fact) banning this establishment, but on the other hand we would not want to send our child or seek a job in a camp that has not paid his staff (in full), which this are merely rumors spread by two or three staff members who are bitter and out to feed your son and fellow staff hatred towards the camp, and in turn destroy the name and credibility of this camp. So we see that we tend to do what’s comfortable for us in any situation.

So who’s who?

Crown Heights is today facing an election that is riffed with politics, there are rumors and there is propaganda and we engage in conversation and we argue over it.

But who is running the election? Why are we running an election? Against who? And what for?

So now we can discuss who are the candidates, who are the organizers, what is their history, and why now. But then it boils to rumors and propaganda quotes that “there are two sides to every story” – But no there isn’t, there one side and that’s the truth – Really? “But but he/they went against the Rabbonim” who did? – Yeh “he hit him so he went to the police” is that the Jewish law? So now we can discuss who’s who based on rumors or based on hard evidence.

But why should I care it does not matter to me I am not involved, they’re not taking anything from me. For this reason Crown Heights has faced so much politics, rumors and propaganda are spread by the party that is on the wrong side, simply because if you are right then there no need to convince anyone. And when we do take a rumor as truth we are supporting such politics, we are supporting those who are spreading it.

So with that said it’s our job to go out of our comfort zone to seek the truth backed up by clear fact on hard paper. And when every resident does just that and works only with what true, then automatically the liar, swindler, thief, and Mosser would not have a standing in our community and would be constantly on the run, and would not organize a election or be a candidate on any ballot. So it’s time for everyone to seek the truth and reclaim this community from a minority who seek to control it for their own self interest, from their manipulation of your, OUR, Rabbonim for self interest to running community grants for self interest.

Now of course we will see comment like “what’s with Ahavas Yisrael” or “enough with this stupid politics” to those few I say you can’t have both worlds if you would like Ahavas Yisrael with you fellow resident, first think “have I insulted him, or maybe hit him, stole from him or Masserd on him.” And when you do just that and fix it, then it’s time for YOU to practice “Love fellow Jew” YOU shell love him, and not sit in your comfort zone and preach through comments.

And when everyone starts seeking the truth, and fixing their own wrong doing we would see a improvement in our community.

With wishes for a happy and healthy summer, I bless you all.
A Fellow Crown Heightser

This Op-Ed reflects the views of its author. It does not necessarily reflect the views of CrownHeights.info nor of its Editors.

A reader that wishes to make his or her voice heard on any topic of their desire is welcome to submit his or her Op-Ed to News@CrownHeights.info.


  • Who is Who? - Who is Rabbi Osdoba?

    During the lifetime of Rabbi Dvorkin, who was the only Mara Deasra of C.H. until his passing, Rabbi Dvorking had started to give Hechsherim on Milk and Wine products.

    Rabbi Osdoba, was not an official Rov, in C.H. at that time, yet “he smelled money” and decided to go in to competition against Rabbi Dvorking who was the only Mara Deasra the time.

    Rabbi Osdoba the started giving his own Hechsher in competition with Rabbi Dvorkin.

    Rabbi Dvorkin was furious at Rabbi Osdoba and referred to Rabbi Osdoba with the honorary title of “Der Uzbek”.

    Uzbek is a term used in Russia referring to simple peasants of Uzbekistan, then part of Communist Russia.

    Now that Rabbi Osdoba is trying to block elections in C.H. as it is/was blocked in Uzbekistan Russia, we all understand why.

  • Facts vs. Rumers and Propaganda

    It’s takka true, when it comes to Facts nobody’s interested, all of a sudden they are not involved in politics. When it comes to rumors and propaganda all of a sudden everybody has an opinion.

    Like they say “don’t confuse us with facts”.

  • Who is who? Who is rabbi Shcwei

    What good has he done since he took office?
    How did he contribute anything?
    How will he be a different then Rabbi Osdoba?
    Who are is supporters now?
    Why are they supporting him now, yesterday they were killing in the name of R.Osdoba?

    What is the overall agenda!

  • writing quality

    The author of this article probably has a legitimate position on CH politics, but being that it is one of the most poorly written article I’ve read on this site, I’m not sure what that position is. It would be a benefit to your entire readership to have someone with a working knowledge of English grammar review your articles prior to publishing them.

  • true

    its true for most of CH they simply dont care, and when there are numerous amount of residents having to appear in court every month no one cares to make their voice heard yet they complain on how theres politics.

  • Whats the point?

    While i do definitely smell a agenda, I”m not quite sure what it is. This man doesn’t know how to get his point across.

  • To Uzbek

    Crude. written by a true Uzbek.
    I don’t even know why I should reply to your scandalous remark.We don’t have to believe your assertion that Rav Dworkin OH would speak in such a way, you do no favor to his memory by attributing such a remark to him; I personally am offended for Rabbi Dworkin’s sake.

    What I do know for a fact is that the Rebbe expressed his satisfaction with the three Rabbonim, Marlow, Osdoba and Heller, in a written reply that is documented. Even if what you wrote was true, Divrai HaRav, V’divrei HaTalmid divrei mi shomim…..

    Just to visit this premise you want to establish: If the only hechsher allowed to be given is the official Rov’s, what makes Levy’s agency Okay by you? and who smells money?

  • To Vote or Not to Vote?

    THINK for a second.

    There is nothing we can do to stop Rabbonim from fighting.

    Many have tried to make peace with them but they are just not interested in peace.

    Realistically there is simply nothing in the world that anyone can do to force them to make peace.

    Now what do we do?

    Should we all just sit back and “NOT VOTE”?

    Should we all just stare blankly at the wall, twirl our thumbs while the Rabbonim fight each other?

    Or should we all just forget the Rabbonims stupid fight and we can all just get up and move on with life?

    If we vote, we can move on with life.

    Most of CH is fed up with all this stupid machlokes, for no reason.

    Let’s all forget about the Rabbonim and we can all just do what we need to do and elect ALL NEW PEOPLE (no one from the past administration) to now have fresh and new people to run the CHJCC.

    Or you can sit and “do nothing” and “NOT VOTE” and continue to allow a twice convicted felon (now in jail) to run the CHJCC forever and ever with no elections at all, ever again.

    Which is the smarter choice?

    The choice to vote, is obviously the only way we can forget the Rabonims stupid Machlokes and we can all just go out and
    VOTE and just MOVE ON WITH LIFE!

    We need a legitimate CHJCC not one run by a Felon from his Jail cell.

  • dovid

    The writer didn’t sign his name, but it’s clear as day that it is one of the Hershkop’s…

    I sympathy with you all the way..

  • chaim shmuel

    The Only way to resolve this is to go to a third party beis din which both rabonim agree to go to which is the beis yosef beis din of boro park both rabbi osdoba and rabbi shvey agree to go and submit to the final psak from that beis din so in essence there is no need for any elections untill that psak comes out and then all the rabinom will agree to the elections in unity there is no need at all for court

  • zak

    To the author of this article:

    What is with the grammar (or lack of it)? Learn how to write a proper sentence before you write a whole paragraph of gibberish!!

  • the

    the rebbe supported the rabbonim back then because, it was a bais din. not the rabbonim personally. it could have been zalmen lipskier,menachem gerlitzky and R losh for argument sake. a rov earns respect because hes a ehrliche, ben torah and a chasideshe yid.

  • Sad Commentary

    To “Who is Who?”
    This is a disgusting piece of evil Loshon Hora. If the Quote “Elections” are not about politics– as many contend, then why decry Rabbi Osdoba. Why? because the election is all about derailing the Beis Din, and making Rabbi Osdoba “eat it”. Face reality. All of us innocent people who voted have been connived into playing into the hands of a corrupt band– who go against the Rebbe MH“M himself who had proclaimed that ”these” Rabbonim are his own Rabbonim for ever. How dare anyone read into the Rebbe’s words– saying that they only apply to all three as a group, and not to Rabbi Osdoba or Rabbi Heller as individuals. It is not to be believed that we can sink so abismally low– as to trample fearlessly and disrespectfully on the Rebbe’s message– we who should be clinging in awe to every precious utterance the Rebbe has spoken for the benefit of his chassidim.