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Rubashkins Rental Property Firm Files Bankruptcy

By Dave DeWitte for the Gazette

POSTVILLE, IA — Postville’s largest rental property company, owned by the same family as bankrupt Agriprocessors, has filed for bankruptcy protection.

Nevel Properties Corp. filed for bankruptcy protection Monday, claiming assets of less than $50,000 and liabilities of more than $1 million.

Jewish leaders Urge Prosecution of Ukrainian Politician

KIEV, Ukraine [JTA] — Jewish leaders called on Ukrainian authorities to press charges against a politician for inciting ethnic hatred.

In letters addressed to national and local authorities, leaders of Jewish organizations in the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson accused Sergey Kirichenko, a member of the Union of Left Powers and member of Kherson City Council, of systematic anti-Semitic propaganda.

In Late Life, Isolated Holocaust Survivors Find New Friends

By Dvora Lakein for

NEW YORK, NY — It is nearly 70 years since the start of the systematic, state-sponsored murder of over six million European Jews. Today, with anti-Semitism on a global rise and Holocaust deniers stridently espousing their hate, survivors are facing their own enemy: loneliness and depression.

“Several years ago we realized that survivors, particularly those living in Manhattan, were isolated and often without friends or family,” explains Sheva Tauby, co-director of Ivolunteer. Tauby and her husband Tzvi, serve as Chabad representatives to Manhattan and are the founders of this visitation program for homebound Holocaust survivors. The couple organizes volunteers–50 are currently involved–to visit survivors each week for companionship and aid.

Chief Rabbi of Russia on Russian Jewish Relations

By Baila Olidort for

Even by Western standards, Moscow’s Jewish infrastructure is impressive. In the Marina Roscha part of the city, a complex of buildings houses the community’s comprehensive social and educational institutions catering to Moscow’s Jewish population.

The erosion of Jewish life during communism makes Jewish population numbers hard to evaluate, but by the country’s Chief Rabbi’s estimates, there are approximately half a million Jews in this city of 10 million.

Report: German Car Firm Used Human Hair from Auschwitz

Y Net

OSWIECIM, Poland — Car part supplier Schaeffler, one of the pillars of the German industry, used hair shaven from prisoners at the Auschwitz Nazi extermination camp to make textiles during World War II, historians working at the Auschwitz museum in Poland said Monday.

The researchers said they found rolls of fabric at one of the company’s former factories in southern Poland made of the hair of over 40,000 inmates.

CGI Detroit Girls Head Counselors this Summer

Registration Now Open

Gan Yisroel Detroit would like to announce our Girls Head Counselors for the upcoming summer.

Head counselors:
Mushky Lifshitz – Cincinnati, Ohio
Mussie Shemtov – Crown Heights
Chaya Deren – Pittsburgh, PA

Brooklyn Bridge Repairs to Cost Much more than Expected

By Mike McLaughlin for the Brooklyn Paper

BROOKLYN, NY — Major repairs to the crumbling Brooklyn Bridge, which are scheduled to begin this summer and close parts of the span for three years, will now cost up to $200 million more than originally anticipated.

Rehabbing the degrading bridge will cost up to $500 million, according to the Department of Transportation — a hike from the $300 million that the agency said it would need to fix approaches, ramps and anchorages, repaint the bridge and replace barriers and railings, the New York Post reported on Sunday.

PSA: Attention All Bikers, Do Not Ride on the Sidewalk

Image from a security camera on Albany Ave this Sunday

Sunday afternoon on Albany Ave between Eastern Pkwy and Union St, a Jewish man was stopped by police as he was riding his bicycle on the sidewalk. The Israeli man didn’t know it was illegal to ride his bicycle on the sidewalk, as he had recently moved here. However, after arguing with the officer and the officer calling for backup to restrain him, he was issued a summons for biking on the sidewalk.

Lately the police have been giving out all types of nonsense summonses. We would like warn all residents thirteen and older DO NOT ride your bicycles on the sidewalks, you can be summonsed and your bicycle can be seized and impounded.


Announcing New Shluchim to Russia

Rabbi and Mrs. Chaim and Kaila Danzinger have just moved on Shlichus to Rostov, Russia. The couple will be running day to day Chabad operations serving the very vibrant Jewish community numbering over 10,000 Jewish residents. The new Shluchim were appointed by Russia’s Chief Rabbi and head Shliach Rabbi Berel Lazar. would like to wish the new Shluchim Hatzlocha Rabba on their Shlichus!

Grieving Community Transforms Dinner into Joyous Honoring of Boy’s Life

By Dovid Zaklikowski

Just hours after the burial of nine-year-old Levi Yitzchak Wolowik, stunned supporters of Chabad of the Five Towns entered a banquet hall for the center’s 14th-annual dinner to honor the wishes of their beloved rabbi and rebbetzin. (Photo: Yosef Lewis)

More than 500 people packed a Long Island banquet hall to honor a Chabad-Lubavitch center and its emissary couple who had worked tirelessly for almost 15 years to strengthen Jewish life in Nassau County, N.Y. But the couple, Rabbi Zalman and Chanie Wolowik, was noticeably missing.

The Wolowiks, directors of Chabad of the Five Towns, were observing the traditional mourning period – known as shiva – for their nine-year-old son Levi, who had tragically passed away just two nights before.

Public Helps Chabad After Fire

By Sheila Ganjian for the Daily Nexus

The University Religious Center hosts Shabbat Dinner on Friday. The Chabad House is recovering from a recent blaze with the help of community members.

GOLETA, CA — In the aftermath of a fire that ravaged the UCSB Chabad House three weeks ago, the Orthodox Jewish religious center has remained at the service of the local community.

According to the Santa Barbara Fire Dept., the fire began in a bedroom at the home – located at 779 Camino Pescadero – on Feb. 8. The flames then proceeded to scorch entire portions of the first and second floors, ultimately rendering the Chabad House unfit to provide services to the community.

Boston Aids Dnepropetrovsk Jews

DNEPROPETROVSK, Ukraine [FJC] — The two largest hospitals in the east Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk – the Regional Clinical Hospital named for Metchnikov and the Third Children’s Municipal Hospital – have received much-welcomed assistance from the U.S.-based organization “Action in Support of Post-Soviet Jewry” (otherwise known as ‘Action for Post-Soviet Jewry’).

Families celebrate joyous holiday of Purim at JCC

By Ashwin Verghese for the Democrat and Chronicle

BRIGHTON — The beautiful Queen Esther made an appearance Sunday at the Jewish Community Center.

Actually, she made several.

Lots of little girls dressed up as the historic queen during Purim Palooza, a celebration of the upcoming Jewish holiday which commemorates how Esther convinced the king of ancient Persia to spare her people.