Interesting Call by Rabbi Krinsky at Kinus

In his address at the Banquet of the International Conference of Chabad Lubavitch Women Emissaries, Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Chairman of the Chabad Lubavitch educational and social-services divisions, called on the shluchos to make sure to care for themselves as they care for others.

“…the You shluchos are the engine that propels the successful mission of your family. You are the ballast that keeps the stability—the equilibrium—”sanity” if you will—the joy of your family throughout the unique complexities of shlichus life. You are the ones who care and nurture your family with calm and warmth and love. And you are the very mighty anchor providing the compass and stability in the extraordinary everyday lives that you and your families lead.

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You Be the Judge II Lesson One: Inheriting the Fruits of Sin

The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute will be launching it’s latest course, You Be the Judge II in Crown Heights, The course presents students with real cases brought before the court system of Jewish law, and compares Talmudic analysis with the contemporary approach taken in U.S. courts. Topics include business ethics, property rights, and employment practices, and each lesson provides an opportunity to question, discuss, and argue, based on principle and precedent.

The course is accredited for Continuing Legal Education by twenty-five State Bar Associations and still pending, but expected to be approved by the New York Bar.

Organization Uses Networking Prowess to Land Donation

Wicked Local

From left to right, Rabbi Chaim Wolosow, Sara Wolosow, Chaya Wolosow, Rivky Blumberger, Rabbi Ilan Meyers, and Yael Meyers, Friendship Circle of Sharon Founders.

SHARON, MA — Chaya Wolosow and Rivkah Blumberger are master networkers.

The 20-year old Sharon residents spent day and night emailing, texting and calling everyone they knew and many they didn’t know.

Ready New York – Preparing for Emergencies in NYC

Lubavitch Yeshiva Crown Street in conjunction with the JCRC Manhattan is sponsoring a Ready New York Workshop for our school and the community.

Learn about: Basic Preparedness, Emergency Evacuation and Sheltering and other special considerations in an event of a community wide emergency Chas Veshalom.

20th Yohrtziet of “the Rebbes Doctor” – Dr. Avrohom Aba Seligson OBM

Shacharis in 770, year 5743.

Dr. Avrohom Aba Seligson, the Rebbe’s doctor, OBM, whose Yortzeit falls on the 25th of Shvat, was born in Krakow in 5667, to his father, Rabbi Michoel Aharon, a descendant of the Alter Rebbe, who had the merit to host the Rebbe Rayatz in his home just about the time, Reb Avrohom Aba was born. A few years later he opened a Chassidus class in his house at the expressed wish of the Rebbe Rayatz, and being that there were no Lubavitchers in the area, the attendees were Gerer and Belzer Chassidim, who arrived to study ‘Torah Or’ and ‘Likutei Torah’.

Food Fight: Brooklyn Co-op Mulls Israel Ban

Located in the heart of Brooklyn, near Prospect Park, the Park Slope Food Coop is at the nexus of the borough’s many diverse Jewish populations. From the liberal Jews of Park Slope to the Hasidic Jews of Crown Heights, the coop is one of the few places in Brooklyn where Jews of all denominations converge in a shared mission: to buy natural foods at reasonable prices.

But the co-op’s unusual Jewish character is being tested by a proposal to ban products bought from Israel, such as the persimmons and red peppers that are currently in the produce aisle.

What is the Foundation for a Jewish Marriage? and the Avner Institute would like to present a private audience, conducted with a kallah (bride) just before her wedding in the winter of 1963. In this unique Yechidus the Rebbe shares a beautiful explanation of the mitzvah of Mezuzah. To learn more about the Rebbe Visit:

Peltz Center to Honor Samuels Couple on 30 Years

By Leon Cohen for the Jewish Chronicle

MILWAUKEE, WI — At the very beginning of the Six Day War in 1967, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, decreed that Lubavitch Chasidim could help Israel by encouraging Jewish men to perform the commandment of putting on tefillin.

City Plans First Public Toilet for Grand Army Plaza

By Gersh Kuntzman for the Brooklyn Paper

BROOKLYN, NY — The city is moving towards placing Brooklyn’s first official public toilet in Grand Army Plaza — finally bringing some relief to the heart (and other organs) of the borough.