Interesting Call by Rabbi Krinsky at Kinus

In his address at the Banquet of the International Conference of Chabad Lubavitch Women Emissaries, Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Chairman of the Chabad Lubavitch educational and social-services divisions, called on the shluchos to make sure to care for themselves as they care for others.

“…the You shluchos are the engine that propels the successful mission of your family. You are the ballast that keeps the stability—the equilibrium—”sanity” if you will—the joy of your family throughout the unique complexities of shlichus life. You are the ones who care and nurture your family with calm and warmth and love. And you are the very mighty anchor providing the compass and stability in the extraordinary everyday lives that you and your families lead.

Never forget to take care of yourselves as you take care of others. You must always be healthy and strong to keep the fires of shlichus burning. The Rebbe needs you – the Jewish people needs you, happily and in good health. The world needs your light.

“Her light does not go out at night.” (Proverbs) Lo yichbeh ba-layla nerah—like the Rebbetzin, and like the kedoshim Rivki and Gabi Holtzberg, who continue to give light when darkness has set in, so too, are you, the Chabad Shluchos, who continually reach out to those in need, finding ever new and creative ways to draw in more Jewish souls, illuminate more lives, no matter the constraints. For you, the Chabad Shluchos, take your sustenance from a spiritual resource that never dries up.

This is your empowerment, these are the blessings of the Rebbe and the legacy of the Rebbetzin, that make it possible for the Mishna to say that the dancing of the Jewish women following the destruction of the Temple was the greatest of joyful holidays for the entire Jewish people.”


  • ABC

    I would like to respectively ask Rabbi Krinsky “what about the rest of anash?” Those who grew up but didn’t feel the call of shluchos but lacking the secular education to be successful? We don’t get the perks of shlichos – the 1200.00 when having a baby or 500.00 bonuses at conventions… Its nice to look after our own shluchim/shluchos but lets try to make it better for the children of anash and not just the children of shluchim.

  • yovav

    I agree with ABC–but what do want from Rabbi Krinsky’s address, he WAS addressing shluchos!

  • To ABC

    The money doesn’t come from Rabbi Krinsky. The gifts you mention are from an individual who feels for Shluchim and Shlichus and decided to do something about it.
    While I feel for you and recognize the struggle of Anash or any frum family in this economic climate, please don’t discount the hard work of the Shluchim and Shluchos who left the surroundings of their homes, family, Anash community, frum friends for their children etc. and have challenges that those not on Shlichus are probably not aware of. If you grew up as a Lubavitcher and didn’t “feel the call for Shlichus”, don’t begrudge a little gift that the Shluchim who “feel the call” received. While you may not have felt the call… I wish you much nachas from your children, and that you should be beaming with nachas from the successes they will IYH have on Shlichus.

  • Mother of Shluchim

    The majority of Shluchim & Shluchos have tremendous Meiseros Nefesh for Shlichus. ABC says she doesn’t have “the calling”…so why should you get “the perks”?

    These “benefits” are few & far between. If you would like to hear, my husband & I will be very happy to sit down with you & explain in words of one syllable how OUR children live in the middle of nowhere, raising children, thousands of miles from family & friends, all to follow the Rebbe’s rotzon, & what it cost them in $$, health, & community.

    You’re jealous of a few measly bucks to ease a tiny portion of their burden? You really are small-minded. Now I see why you didn’t go on Shlichus. Still jealous that you are “lacking the education to be successful”? Maybe you had a great education. Maybe you just aren’t smart. After all, how bright can you be if you begrudge Shluchos some pleasure or financial help?

    Maybe it’s true in YOUR case that the best go on Shlichus & the dross is left behind. Fortunately, most non-Shluchim are generous, even if not with $$, at least with appreciation, respect, & pride in their fellow Lubavitchers. Unfortunately, you’re not one of them.

  • not sure what the point is

    For the record the Simcha fund is being sponsored by someone from Ukraine. Rabbi Kotlarsky handles that fund. Rabbi Krinsky is not a public speaker and from the live video it looked like he read from a prepared speech. We have rabonim and a CC that are looking after our community.

  • Ahavas Yisroel

    To Mother of Shluchim:
    Ahavas Yisroel? Just because you can address someone without them knowing who you are, or even if they did know your identity… there’s no need to get so personal. I wouldn’t expect that from a Shlucho!?!?!?! Your first 2 paragraphs were a good enough, why carry on with all that nonsense. Is that the Rebbe’s ratzon???
    Did you read “To ABC”? Nothing negative and even a brocha at the end…..

  • warry

    very good! i have reasons NOT to marry a girl from a shlichos home! their children in many devoted shluchim homes do not have a proper mother/father love and attention. they do not live as a proper fammily wich they really inside are lacking. this will be a issue in your future life. it can be like marreing a girl off the street unfortunatly. some very basick of a notmal home are simply missing

  • mother of shluchim#2

    What Rabbi Krinsky was saying was what Nechama Greisman OBM said and that was that the shlucha must care for herself in order to care for others. Just like they say before take-off “see to your own oxygen needs before tending to those of others”. His message is no less applicable to Jewish mothers who are not on shluchis (as all Jewish mothers work hard)but it is well known that shluchos often neglect themselves while caring for the community. There are stories of shluchos in labor and newly delivered who couldn’t take time off to take care of themselves. While Rabbi Krinsky means well, just who can take over the shlucha’s job while she rests from giving birth?

  • Shluchims Daughter

    warry, how can you compare a daughter of Shluchim to a “girl off the street?!”, I am a Shluchims daughter, I got married and happily so and If anything I was away from home more than most shluchims kids, about 10 years, and yes I had hard times and sometimes struggle with those issues but I’m doing just fine BH! I have a healthy circle of family and friends around me and I really resent your comparison. Maybe you are talking from experience.

  • proud shlucha

    I have to admit that I drifted off when Rabbi Krinsky began to speak but somewhere in the middle of his speech, I started listening and found his words among the most inspiring of the kinnus. He told us what we need to hear, he reminded us why the Rebbe made sure that we have this kinnus yearly, he reinforced our emunah and our commitment to carrying out our share in the Rebbe’s mission. Many thanks to Rabbi Krinsky for his caring and well received message


    Attn Warry…

    STAY SINGLE, do the world a favor.

    You have no clue as to what goes on in a Shliach’s Home.
    Most have more parental time as the family have no social scenes, no family down the block and no pizza shop on the Avenue, so they are home together most of the time, bonding.

  • Enough!

    Wow, can anything be posted on this web site without somebody finding something negative? Beautiful comments by Rabbi Krinsky followed by petty stupid meaningless stabbing and kvetching.

  • To Warry

    To some extent I agree; when I was in the shiddach scene I saw the same thing and ultimatly found my bashert from a “non-shlichus” home.


    1) the Rebbe indicated that chinuch downsounds that come along with going on shlichus he is “taking on his own shoulders”

    2) I think this is exactly what R’ Krinsky was trying to address. Shluchim need to be able to balance when their shlichus mission comes first and when their family mission comes first just as all of us need to do this in our own vocations.

  • To ABC

    Anash has their own things to be proud of and nothing wrong with ‘farginin’ shluchim of their accomplishments and struggles. R’ Krinski primarily represents the shluchim and should address struggles/issues that will sometimes be unique to a shliach.

    Not sure what you mean by the “calling” but the tone suggests that you feel bad/guilty that you are not on shlichus. By continuing to be miskasher to the Rebbe through his Torah you will notice that shlichus is only one aspect of the Rebbes vision and the Rebbe set up a dynamic community where there is a need for Yissachars, Zevulons and Avrahams (Avraham being the first to have an open door policy towards outreach). You should look to your own leaders/Mashpiim to provide inspiration and advise on challanges unique to you.

  • Father of Shluchim

    Granted, ABC is way of the mark and his/her comments are irrelevant, but MOther of Shluchim, how could you possibly speak that way!? You eemploy every worn-out cliche and put-down to distingukish between those who take on shlichus and those who don’t. Your children should be ashamed of you.
    By the way, ABC, it’s respectfully, not respectively.
    Signed Father of Shluchim