Israelis Extend Help to War-Torn Residents

By Sarah Zadok

A volunteer at a community center in Ramat Beit Shemesh entertains a child from one of the towns targeted by Hamas rocket crews. (Photo: Yissachar Ruas)

RAMAT BEIT SHEMESH, Israel — Nestled in the picturesque Ella Valley about a 45-minute drive from Tel Aviv sits the quiet town of Ramat Beit Shemesh. It is neither “over the green-line,” nor in the direct line of rocket fire. As Palestinian rockets pound the earth 30 minutes to its south, the general feeling in this central part of the country is that it’s a relatively “safe” place to live.

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Mivtza Gabi

Following a Farbgrengen, students of the Lubavitch Yeshiva in Montreal will learn of minimum 50 pages of Gemara Baal-Pe, in memory of slain Shliach in Mumbai Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg HY“D. Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Arye Leib Kaplan called the effort Gabi: ”Gemara Baal-Pe Yachad will bring to Geulas Bnei Yisroel.”

Mumbai Dossier Reveals Chilling Celebrations of Pakistani Masterminds

By Dean Nelson for the Times of India

MUMBAI, India — Transcripts of their conversations and a confession statement of the lone surviving gunman reveal how Lashkar e Taiba leaders, a group which was once sponsored by Pakistan’s intelligence services, carefully managed the slaughter from afar.

The transcripts are part of an Indian government dossier which claims the plot was planned and remotely controlled from Pakistan by LeT chiefs using live television news coverage and continuous satellite phone conversation with the gunmen.

Chabad House in Charlotte Vandalized

CHARLOTTE, NC [CHI] — Wednesday morning, the Shluchim to Charlotte, NC found their their Chabad House vandalized. Windows were shattered, objects were broken and tossed about. The Lubavitch Education Center of North Carolina, run by Rabbi Yossi and Mariashi Groner, had apparently been vandalized overnight. The situation doesn’t seem to be serious, however the incident was reported to the Police, who don’t suspect any anti-semitism, ‘just teenagers’.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Gem Bandits Dress as Chasidim in Disguise

Murray Weiss, Austin Fenner and Jeremy Olshan – NY Post

NEW YORK, NY — In a heist straight out of Guy Ritchie’s film “Snatch,” a pair of armed robbers disguised themselves as Hasidic Jews to steal $4 million worth of jewels from a Diamond District wholesaler in broad daylight, law-enforcement sources told The Post.

Dressed in Orthodox garb of black coats and hats – and phony beards – the robbers showed fake IDs to a lobby security guard on New Year’s Eve and took the elevator to the fifth floor of 2 W. 46th St., all while under video surveillance.

NYPD: Text Message Terror Threat is a Hoax

By Matthew Lysiak and Simone Weichselbaum for the Daily News

NEW YORK, NY — A chilling terror warning spreading across the U.S. and Israel is a hoax, NYPD officials said Tuesday.

The threat, which has popped up on forwarded e-mails and blog posts across the world, warns of an attack in New York today. It says the warning originated with a Muslim cab driver who told a Jewish woman he picked up of a Jan. 7 plot.

Level One Build Bais Hamikdosh

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — Today, Rabbi S Friedmans Class, Level 1 of Darchai Menachem, learned all about the events that took place on the 10th of Teves. Amongst the different lessons learned, the boys took upon themselves to have Ahavas Yisroel not only outside class but during class time as well. Rabbi Friedmans lesson ended with a hands on activity of building a model of the Beis Hamikdosh with “Snap it toys” through teamwork with all the boys.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Arson Attempt Latest in Antwerp’s Anti-Semitic Response to Gaza War

Zalman Nelson –

Burn Israeli and U.S. flags during a protest against the Israeli air strikes on Gaza. – Illustration Photo

ANTWERP, Belgium — On Saturday night, unknown perpetrators shoved rags with lighter fluid into the mailbox of a Chabad family’s home in Antwerp, Belgium and lit them on fire. Luckily the fire did not catch on and the home sustained only minor smoke damage.

Denial of Bail to Rubashkin Fueling Legal Controversy

By Ben Harris

Magistrate Judge Jon S. Scoles in the Electric Park Ballroom Courtroom. Attorney General Michael Mukasey, inset.

NEW YORK, NY [JTA] — Nearly from the moment federal immigration agents raided the Agriprocessors kosher meat plant in Postville, Iowa, on May 12, supporters of the company alleged that it was being unfairly singled out by the government and unjustly excoriated in the media.

Chabad Richmond Hill Opens New Building

Frances Kraft – CJ News

TORONTO, Canada — After 11 years in temporary quarters, Chabad Lubavitch of Richmond Hill is gearing up for an inaugural banquet Jan. 15 and an open house three days later, featuring food, crafts, music and dancing at its new 10,000-square-foot building.

The open house will run from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 18.

Chabad House in Illinois Prays for Israel Security

By Stephanie Gomes of the Journal Star

Dan Steinberg of Peoria prays for the safety and security of Israel during a lunch-hour service at the Labavitch Chabad of Peoria on Tuesday. Shliach to Peoria, Rabbi Eli Langsam leads the group in prayer at the Chabad House, Photo inset.

PEORIA, IL — Prayers were said for the safety and security of Israel at the Labavitch Chabad of Peoria on Tuesday afternoon.

“We feel it’s a special time for prayer,” said executive director Rabbi Eli Langsam. “So while everyone is going around their day-to-day life, it’s important that we stop and think for a second and pray for those in harm’s way and for our brothers and sisters in the land of Israel.”

California: County Approves up to $140 Million in Bond Issuances for Expansion of Chabad Hebrew Academy

LOS ANGELES, CA — Two proposed tax-exempt bond issuances valued at up to $340 million were approved on consent by the board of supervisors Tuesday but how much demand there will be for this debt is an open question.

The instruments include up to $200 million in order to refinance and refund costs associated with the new 330-bed inpatient tower at Sharp Memorial Hospital in Kearny Mesa; and up to $140 million for an expansion of the Chabad Hebrew Academy plus the addition of a dormitory for at least a couple hundred students at its Poway location at 10785 Pomerado Road.

Sderot and Nitzan: Israeli Towns Where Rocket Strikes are a Part of Life

By Chana Kroll

Made of sandwich board, the temporary housing in Nitzan, Israel, for former residents of the Gaza Strip lacks protection from the elements, let alone a rocket strike.

SDEROT, Israel — In the past three years, Palestinians living in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip have launched more than 6,000 rockets at southern Israel, timing the majority of their attacks to cause the most possible damage. Prior to Israel’s latest offensive, most of the rockets fell between 7:30 and 8:10 in the morning, when children walk to school.

Since the beginning of Operation Cast Lead, an average of 20 rockets have fallen each day.