By Matthew Lysiak and Simone Weichselbaum for the Daily News

NEW YORK, NY — A chilling terror warning spreading across the U.S. and Israel is a hoax, NYPD officials said Tuesday.

The threat, which has popped up on forwarded e-mails and blog posts across the world, warns of an attack in New York today. It says the warning originated with a Muslim cab driver who told a Jewish woman he picked up of a Jan. 7 plot.

NYPD: Text Message Terror Threat is a Hoax

By Matthew Lysiak and Simone Weichselbaum for the Daily News

NEW YORK, NY — A chilling terror warning spreading across the U.S. and Israel is a hoax, NYPD officials said Tuesday.

The threat, which has popped up on forwarded e-mails and blog posts across the world, warns of an attack in New York today. It says the warning originated with a Muslim cab driver who told a Jewish woman he picked up of a Jan. 7 plot.

“There is no terror plot or threat connected to the rumor that is circulating inNew York and in other cities abroad,” said Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne.

“There are several variations on the rumor, but it is just that, the latest urban myth.”

City Hall and the NYPD were alerted to the viral message days ago, officials said.

Synagogues across the city have added extra security because of the conflict in Gaza.

Meanwhile, the Web site of the Bay Ridge Jewish Center in Brooklyn was hacked by a man calling himself “EL_MuHAMMeD FOR PALESTINE.”

Pictures of hooded men launching missiles appeared on the center’s site.


  • Chani

    bs’d It’s quite possible it’s a rumour, and possibly not. The NYPD also does not want a national scandal, resulting in panic and chaos. However, the ideas are out there, and we must be cautious, and up our security. There are radicals out there who happen to have a vendetta against Israel and her people worldwide, we can no longer ignore it, nor pretend it’s not real. Hamas leader and spokeman has come out advocating the killing of Jewish children worldwide and the bombing of schools, synagogues, and Jewish organizations: http://www.israelnationalne… Whether or not this particular threat is real or hoax, be aware that something is due to happen, either in one organized day, or over a procession of time. There is a “rumour” that their is planning going on underground, and the safety of non-Islamics is compromised.

  • I am not Chani-s relative

    Are you aware that Jan 7-th is the second message from the siber space? Regarding the first one I contacted Homeland Security NY Office. Luckily they already knew about it. Regardless of being (this time) a hoax or real I would like to emphasize that besides that we ALL MUST BE ALERT AND VIGILANT this is a ’triumph’ (Rabbeinu Shelolom should help us) to those who emphatically embraced Obama and his so-called changes (?) and, subsequently, for his CIA appointee, whose liberal attitude towards intelligence gathering might endanger all of us.
    So, please listen to what Chani has wrote.

  • J.C.

    some are saying that on sunday there may be something.

    sunday’s date is the opposite of 09-11-01

  • c-mon

    to put some humor on the present situation, I got a message stating “The terror attack in manhattan of today wednesday was cancelled due to bad weather..”

  • cmz

    chos v sholom—-

    we do what we can. extra tefilos and tehillim for the safety of yiddin all over.


  • anonymous

    everyone should stop believing the predictions from cyber space, anybody could make up any story although i dont know why.
    i mean come on when you hear that someone called the fbi to tell them what happened… YOU CANT CALL THE FBI just like that, and they wouldnt tell you that they know about it! its very unrealistic, they are more secretive than that….
    anyways, until there is an official warning from the country to leave your homes… there is nothing to worry about, cuz there is nothign you could do if you were meant to be stuck in a terrist attack that was hashems will, if you are warned from an official place than it is your achrayus to leave to where they say, cuz otherwise you are not making a kaly for hashems brahca of saving you