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Chabad on Campus Sending Free Menorahs to Jewish Students Nationwide

Joshua Runyan –

BROOKLYN, NY — The Chabad on Campus International Foundation is offering free menorahs to any Jewish student who wants one. In the pre-Chanukah initiative, the organization will provide a Chanukah kit complete with a menorah, candles and a booklet.

Land and the Spirit – JLI Video Visits Chevron

BROOKLYN, NY [CHI] — With over 10,000 men and women across the globe partaking in JLI’s current course on Israel, titled The Land & The Spirit, JLI Central produces each week a brief, striking flash presentation depicting each “city of the week” being explored during the semester. This flash, shown at each JLI chapter at the conclusion of the lesson takes the student on a visual journey through the featured holy city of the week’s lesson.

Curing the Unknown Killer Among Us

by Adina Abramov

There is a silent killer among us.

It is silent because many of us do not even know it exists.

Some are ashamed to even discuss it.

Many believe that it could never happen to them.

I am not talking about cancer – that dreaded disease that has R”L stricken so many of our brethren, but am referring to the health insurance system that has left so many of us vulnerable and exposed to the worst nisyonos (tests) imaginable.

Continued in the Extended Article.

‘ROUGHEST’ FINEST – Gripes Soar Under Mike

NY Post

NEW YORK, NY — Despite a leadership style that has spared Mayor Bloomberg the scorn heaped on his predecessor for aggressive police tactics, the NYPD was hit with more allegations of wrongdoing in the last two years than at any time during the Rudy Giuliani years, a Post analysis has found.

“Giuliani had a reputation for being real hard, but the data belie that,” said Doug Muzzio, a political science professor at Baruch College. “The data seem to suggest that despite the conventional wisdom, Giuliani’s cops were less complained about than Bloomberg’s.”

Torah Or and Likkutei Torah Adapted into English

by Yitzchok Wagshul

Baruch Shehecheyanu Vekimanu Vehigianu Liz’man Hazeh!

In what may be the most important development in chassidic publishing since the translation of the Tanya in the 1960s (and just in time for Yud-Tes Kislev), Purity Press has announced that the Alter Rebbe’s classics, Torah Or and Likkutei Torah—considered the “Oral Torah of Chassidus” (Tanya being the “Written Torah”)—have been adapted into readily accessible English for the first time since the maamarim they contain were originally delivered over 200 years ago. The first volume in the six-volume series, containing 12 fundamental maamarim (discourses)—one for each weekly Torah portion in the book of Bereishis—has just been released, with Hashem’s help. This is to be followed, G-d willing, throughout the year with volumes on Vayikra, Bamidbar, Devarim, Shmos, and the Jewish holidays.

Picture of the Day! The Rebbe!

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The Rebbe being handed a key to a city in the Year of 1977. Special Thanks Rabbi Mordechai Kirschenbaum. Click here to see previous weeks pictures.

Grand Opening of New Volgograd Synagogue

VOLGOGRAD, Russia -– Residents of Volgograd enjoyed a festive ceremony to mark the inauguration of the city’s new Synagogue. Hosted by Chief Rabbi of Volgograd Zalman Yoffe and his wife Yael who serves as the community chairman, the event involved Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar and Alexander Boroda, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, in addition to key patrons, lay leaders and members of the local Jewish community.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

A Young Hasidic Rabbi Plies his Faith in the Caribbean Playground of Cancun

Orlando Sentinel
Rabbi Mendel Druk, 25, in the kitchen of his Cancun apartment, where Sabbath services are held each Friday evening. With him are his wife Rachel, 23, and daughter Mushka.

CANCUN, Mexico — When Orlando businessman Eytan Tayer visits this glitzy Caribbean resort two or three times a year, he sometimes feels he has left his Judaism behind.