by Adina Abramov
There is a silent killer among us.

It is silent because many of us do not even know it exists.

Some are ashamed to even discuss it.

Many believe that it could never happen to them.

I am not talking about cancer - that dreaded disease that has R”L stricken so many of our brethren, but am referring to the health insurance system that has left so many of us vulnerable and exposed to the worst nisyonos (tests) imaginable.

Continued in the Extended Article.

Curing the Unknown Killer Among Us

by Adina Abramov

There is a silent killer among us.

It is silent because many of us do not even know it exists.

Some are ashamed to even discuss it.

Many believe that it could never happen to them.

I am not talking about cancer – that dreaded disease that has R”L stricken so many of our brethren, but am referring to the health insurance system that has left so many of us vulnerable and exposed to the worst nisyonos (tests) imaginable.

Continued in the Extended Article.

What happens to the breadwinner who does not have a health insurance plan and comes down with a life threatening illness? Or one who has a solid plan but lapses on his payments because he is too sick to work?

The Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society (RCCS) helps secure the best possible health insurance for qualifying cancer patients with minimal coverage and helps maintain the insurance premiums of those who are unable to do so during their illness.

To date, five thousand cancer patients have been helped through their nightmarish ordeals. Currently, almost three hundred patients are having their insurance premiums covered by RCCS so that they may focus their full attention of fighting the physical aspects of cancer and all that it entails. This support removes the tremendous burden from their families at a time when every ounce of energy and spirit is required by all of them.

While RCCS cannot accept every applicant, it must accept every applicant. How can it turn down a patient, who represents a Jewish life, a whole world onto himself?

Fighting cancer is like waging war. Every good general prepares his army for battle and knows that the side with the most advanced weaponry yields a tremendous advantage.

Proper health insurance provides the tools — and indeed weapons — to help a patient better their chances for a complete victory. In helping members of our community access lifesaving treatments and top-notch doctors, RCCS is literally, as their slogan goes, funding miracles.

For information or to sponsor a policy for a cancer-stricken patient, please call the RCCS office at 718-722-2002 or visit their website at


  • concerned

    unfortunetely it is not just cancer patients that fall through the cracks of our health system…..

  • chana

    there are a few wise decisions I have made in my life: learning how to type (in college), getting my RN nursing degree, and taking out a disability policy for my husband when we were first married and YOUNG…he had a pre -existing condition) and we had a super insurance agent who was able to get us a policy which years later has been worth its weight in gold…we needed said benefits recently due to my husband’s surgery and rehabilitation,(He was out of work for about 9 months) the benefits from this policy were/and continue to be a G-d send…We would never have gotten this policy at an older age….a disability policy is essential, and if you can only afford one premium (life vs. disability insurance go for the latter) having youth on your side, a good agent should be able to fanagle a good poliscy with reasonable and affordable premiums for those with a pre-existing condition! The likelihood of needing it is major and if you are older it may be almost impossible to get….check it out….ps. disability benefits may be offered at work for a small price,that is if they don’t didsqualify you for pre-exsisting conditions, they are very strict; but there is nothing like a private disablity policy to supplement significantly….

  • This org. is blessed!

    Thank to RCCS. More of our crown heights brothers and sisters can recover!
    Kudos to this organization!
    I will donate! (bl"N)

  • disability/life insurance.


    Would you post your agents name and number? I know a few people with pre-existing conditions where it is close to imposible for them to be insured (tens of thousands in premiums). If this agent is very familiar with these cases s/he may be able to help many people in need.