Schedule for Kinus HaShluchos now online

The schedule for the International Conference of Shluchos is now online and can be downloaded here:

The conference starts tomorrow, Wednesday the 19th of Shevat 5767 (February 7th 2007) and runs through the 24th of Shevat 5767 (February 12th 2007).

For more information and downloads you can go to

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Gravity Pull of Israeli Astronaut Ilan Ramon Still Felt on the Space Coast

Photo: L to R – Rabbi Zvi Konikov, NASA’s Astronaut, Randolph J. Bresnik, Mr. Jeff Fishkin

Kennedy Space Center, FL — Israeli Astronaut Ilan Ramon may have soared to Heaven four years ago but his gravity pull still seems to be felt on the ground at Kennedy Space Center, Florida. At least this was the mood in the atmosphere when an Israeli group came to memorialize their hero. Forty Israeli high school freshmen and their teachers made the trip of their young lifetime to visit Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The students are enrolled in a pilot space studies program meant to encourage interest in science, so it would seem they crossed half the globe mainly to be wowed by mammoth rockets and gleaming space station components. But the truth is they came to pay tribute to a lost explorer.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Celebrating Tu B’Shevat

Naples Daily News
Itzik Palacios, 2, of Naples, eyes a strawberry before eating it as he and a group of children and parents from the Hebrew School at the Chabad of Naples pick strawberries at Farmer Mike’s U-Pick Market in Bonita Springs on Sunday morning to celebrate Tu B’shvat – the New Year for Trees.

Naples, FL — More than 40 people from the Chabad Jewish Center of Naples gathered at Farmer Mike’s U-Pick in Bonita Springs on Sunday morning to celebrate Tu B’Shevat, the New Year for Trees.

Aleph Auction Winners

20,000 dollar Grand Prize – Winner: Yitzchak Weiss

Split the Pot: Winner: Yehuda Lieblich

Jackpot: Winner: Boruch & Yonit Duchman

1. Exquisite Cuff Bracelet Winner: Katz Family of NMB
2. Sterling Silver Yom Tov Collection Winner: Moises Gilinski

United Kingdom’s Chief Rabbi Opens New Chabad Center
England’s Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks affixes a mezuza to the door of the new center.

London, England — Al Jazeera bought the building for its London operations base. In a providential turn of events, the space was then acquired for Lubavitch of UK, to be used for educational and social activities of this city’s Jewish population. Earlier today, the new center was formally opened by Great Britain’s Chief Rabbi.

“The Songs and Stories of Shabbat” Concert

An incredible and moving event took place a few days ago in the Valley in California.

Rabbi Moshe Bryski of Chabad of the Conejo and singer Benny Friedman partnered to produce the perfect Shabbos peulah, “The Songs and Stories of Shabbat”. Between Benny’s songs and Rabbi Bryski’s narration, the audience was wowed musically and spiritually. Scores left with renewed resolve to keep Shabbos.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Video of the Day – Dmitriy Salita Interviewd

World Trans News the leading Europe sport news program did a featured story about Dmitriy Salita, with extensive insight into his religious observation and his relationship with R. Zalman Liberow director of the Chabad House of Flatbush.

CGI Running Springs hosts over 100 kids during winter vacation!

For its first winter ever, CGI Running Springs was pleased and excited to have hosted over 100 children through the December and January vacations. Children attending came from all over the West Coast, thanks to the help of many Shluchim who encouraged their communities to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity. Rabbi Ari Lain from Panama also came with a group of 40 children. Shluchim from Long Beach and S. Diego, came to join with groups from their schools this past Shabbos. The beautiful CGI atmosphere was a kiddush Lubavitch, and no doubt a source of true Nachas to the Rebbe.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Program aimed at keeping teens active in the Jewish community

North Jersey Herald News
From left, Nicole Edi, 13, and Shelly Cherkassky, 12, both of Fair Lawn, huddle to come up with an answer during a game of Jewish Family Feud on Sunday.

Fair Lawn, NJ — Twelve is the age in the Jewish religion when a girl reaches bat mitzvah — assuming the responsibility to follow Jewish law and culture on her own.

But it also a crucial age in which religious participation among the young often drops off dramatically once the routine of Hebrew school has come to an end.

Amazing Success for Darchai Menachem’s First Musical Production!

At 8:00pm on Motzoai Shabbos, the Rosa Hall in Bais Rivka Campus Chomesh began filling up with families eagerly anticipating the upcoming show. The first of its kind for Darchai Menachem was this musical, entitled: The Change In Time, which depicts the story of a modern-day teenager going back in time for an eye opening adventure.

The evening began with an introduction/performance from Mendy Pellin, host of the widely popular new weekly news cast. Amid a few jokes and a crowed rolling in laughter, Mendy spoke about how necessary it is for schools to recognize and fill the need of creative outlets for their students. He emphasized how the night’s performance was one of those ways.

A full article accompanied by over 60 pictures and a video clip in the Extended Article!

Over 250 Chabad Houses around the world began teaching the latest JLI course last week

The Jewish Learning Institute releases its newest course “The Kabbalah of Character”

The Kabbalah of Character is a new and expanded revision of JLI’s popular course “Soul Powers,” it is designed to help people understand the unique mix of qualities that define ones individuality. Drawing on the organizational structure of the Kabbalah, this course examines the nature of the human soul created in the image of G-d.

The Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) is the adult education arm of Chabad-Lubavitch. JLI classes and programs are now offered in over 250 locations in 200 cities nationwide, as well as in international locations.

BCA Skirts guided by religious principles

New Haven Register

They grimace red-faced and sweaty while going for a full-court drive. They steal, they block, they dribble, they shoot layups and even shoot looks of disagreement to the referee.

But there is one thing that separates this young girl’s basketball team from just about any opponent they’re likely to encounter: skirts.

The team of seventh- through 12th-grade girls is made up of students at Beth Chana Academy, an Orthodox Jewish school based in Orange that also serves the tri-state area and beyond.