Picture of the Day! Sukkos in Snow!

Residents all around Michigan woke up this morning to a white surprise, over night it snowed covering everything in a layer of snow! For Shliach to Grand Rapids, Michigan Rabbi Yosef Weingarten to see one of their two Sukkah Mobiles covers in snow he said ‘It looked like Chanukah’!

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Reb Fitche Ofen Farbrengs in Monsey

Monsey was once again was honored to have Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Ofen Farbreng for them on Chol Hamoed. Rabbi Ofen Farbrenged in the Sukkah of Rabbi Simcha Werner, the Rebbe’s Shliach to Monsey.

The Farbrengen which attracted many Poilisher Chassidim, saw a few hundred participants come and go all through the night into the early morning. Rabbi Ofen Farbrenged about the Inyan of Simcha and the Inyan of Lechatchial Ariber, that even though ones Avoda was not the way it should have been on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur, still you can “catch on to the train, and reach the destination” through being Mesamech Besimcha Shel Mitzvah on Sukkos.

New City Residents Take Part in Sukkot Celebration in Store’s Parking Lot

The Journal News
Debbie Herman of New City and Rabbi Yisroel Goldberg enjoy cookies Tuesday in Chabad of Rockland’s portable sukkah in the ShopRite supermarket parking lot in New City. (Angela Gaul/The Journal News)

New City, NY — For Marilyn Fried of Spring Valley, shopping never felt so good.

Fried was entering the ShopRite supermarket in New City yesterday morning when she was approached by Rabbi Yisroel Goldberg, who asked if she’d like to “shake the lulav.”

She was delighted to accept the invitation and beamed as she waved the lulav and the etrog to all the corners of the earth.

Simchas Bais Hashuaiva in Chomedey, Laval, Canada

More than 250 people showed up for the Simchas Bais Hashuaiva in front of the Sephardic center of Laval to enjoy dancing with lively music, a barbeque, cotton candy and a grand raffle. The event was organized by Hatomim Levy Yitzchak Banon son of the Shliach to Laval Rabbi David R. Banon also present were Rabbi Zalman Shtifel the Rabbi of Young Israel of Chomedey and Rabbi Mendel Raskin Shliach of the Beth Chabad Cote St. Luc.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Info to be Menachem Avel the Goldberg family

Yechiel and his wife Chana Dvorah (nee Perl) Goldberg will be sitting Shiva for the passing of their daughter in their home at 760 Montgomery St APT 5E, they will begin sitting on Isru Chag (Monday) though Friday.

The times for the Tefilos are as follows: 8:00am Shacris, 6:00pm Mincha and 7:00pm Maariv

Hamokom Yenachem eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.

New CD of the Rebbe’s 14 Niggunim – “Expressions of the Soul” A Resounding Success

After over three weeks since the release of its new CD “EXPRESSIONS of the SOUL” – the Rebbe’s 14 Niggunim, Infinity Productions is reporting that sales, namely in Crown Heights, “continue to be just remarkable”. The Kehos bookstore, Tzivos Hashem, Merkas Stam, Judaica World and Hamafitz, on Kingston Avenue, have all received additional shipments (some for the third time) after having sold out of their initial orders just a few days after the CD’s release.

DOT Announces Year-Long Closure of the Lower Roadway on the Manhattan Bridge

The lower roadway of the Manhattan Bridge

The New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) announced that beginning Sunday, October 15, the lower roadway of the Manhattan Bridge will be closed for the next year. During these twelve months all three lanes of the lower roadway will undergo a complete rehabilitation. While the upper level of the Manhattan Bridge will remain open, DOT recommends that motorists use an alternate route to cross the East River during this closure.

A letter from Darchai Menachem’s Chesed Club

Dear CrownHeights.info

Hi my name is Mendy Chaimson and I am 11 years old. Sitting next to me is my friend Levi Schonbuch, he is 10. We are both the co-directors of the Yeshiva Darchai Menachem Chesed Club. B”H now that our school has grown from 30 to 50 students, we have a lot more Volunteers for our club.

We were wondering if you can post our Chesed reports on your web site, this way we can expand our volunteer list. For example, let me tell you what we did in honor of Sukkos. On Monday, the first day of Chol Hamoed, some of our boys from the new Mesivta Division, headed by Rabbi Marozov, along with their friends went on route. They took a Sukkah mobile with their Chassidus teacher, Rabbi Sandhaus, and shook Lulav and Esrog with over 65 people; it was an unbelievable experience meeting all sorts of different people. On Tuesday, my friends and I went with Rabbi Perl, the school administrator, to an old age home. Not only did we have the Mitzvah of Bikur Cholim, we also got to shake our Lulavim and Esrogim with them. It was a lot of fun and the people were very happy.

Kinnus held in Yerushalayim in memory of Chani Kolodny OB”M


A special Kinus was held in Yerushalayim on 13th of Tishrei, Leilui Nishmat Chana Bat Yosef, in memory of Chani Kolodny. More than 120 girls who were Chanie’s friends and fellow students, from seminaries across Israel traveled to attend the gathering which was hosted by her seminary, Machon Morasha in the Gutnik hall, next door to the seminary. The gathering was convened by Mrs Chanie Sudry, who invited Chanie’s teachers and friends to express their thoughts and feelings and share their last memories of a dear student and a special friend.

Carnival and Simchas Bais Hashuaiva in Sydney, Australia

Over 300 men, woman and children attended an all day event organized by the Beis Menachem Chabad, Dover Heights Shule under the local Shliach Rabbi Motti Feldman. The event started with a carnival by day which transitioned into a very lively Simchas Bais Hashuaiva with music and dancing, which thanks to the Bochurim who are out on Shlichus there was very successful.

Click the Extended Article for more pictures! (Photos by: Yochonon Goldman)

Third Night of Simchas Bais Hashuaiva

Thousands gathered on Kingston in front of the stage, where a couple of other performers had stood the nights before, but this night had a buzz, a sense of excitement as the crowd kept filling in, all in anticipation of the upcoming performance of Avraham Fried, the crowd was not disappointed! For the next 40 minutes the crowed was on its toes dancing away.

Click the Extended Article for a beautiful gallery of pictures!