Fireworks From Atop the Jewish Children’s Museum

In honor of Independence Day a massive fireworks display gets put on, and can be seen from just about any rooftop in the neighborhood.

2 Bunks from the Gan Menachem Day camp along with a few residents of the community gathered on the rooftop of the Jewish Children’s Museum to watch the display which lasted just over 40 minutes in which more the 35 million dollars worth of fireworks were set off.

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An iPod in every book bag Silver Spring Chabad opening Sunday school

Washington Jewish Week
A Bochur watching a Video of the Rebbe on an Ipod Video at a Farbrengen.

Chabad of Silver Spring’s Rabbi Berel Wolvovsky is so confident that his center’s soon-to-be-opened Sunday school will hook its students on Judaism that he is offering a hot commodity: an iPod to every child enrolled when the school opens this September.

“I am certain that if a child comes to the school that they will like it,” said Wolvovksy, Chabad of Silver Spring’s co-director. “The reason why I’m confident about the iPod program is because I know that if a child comes to our school and tastes it for one or two times, the third and fourth and 20th time, it won’t be an issue for us” to get them to come.

Youths Throw Firecrackers at Mother And Child

At around 4:00pm yesterday (Wednesday) a woman walking home holding her infant child noticed 2 black youths around the age of 10 to 12 lighting firecrackers, she immediately headed for her building only to have firecrackers thrown at her and exploding right next to her sending the woman into panic and shock.

Shomrim were called and units responded right away and attempted to get a description of the perps but they could not find them. Police was called and a complaint had been filed.

Firecrackers are illegal if you see anyone playing with them don’t hesitate to call 911 and complain. Throwing firecrackers at someone is consider an assault, if you were a victim of such an assault call 911 and file a complaint. A crime not reported is a crime that didn’t happen.

Bicycle Hits Van, Biker Suffers Light Injuries

At around 2:00pm a cyclist crossing the street at the intersection of Crown and Utica hit a van driven by a Jew. The van was making a turn unto Crown St. when all of a sudden the bike came smashing into the side of the van Residents called 911 who responded within minutes, Hatzalah was also called but were not needed B”H.

The cyclist told the police that he was distracted by an emergency vehicle passing by and took his eyes off the road. The cyclist was treated on scene, and was later taken to a local hospital for observation. There were no serious injuries.

White House Holds Chabad Event

The White House hosted a special gathering of Shluchim and their supporters last week, focusing on the Rebbe’s teachings and accomplishments of Chabad all over the globe. This was part of the ‘Live Heritage’ program in Washington in honor of the Rebbe on Gimmel Tamuz.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Matching Grants Fund Established to support new Shluchim

Shlichus Birthright

Agudas Chassidei Chabad, the international umbrella group that has been charged by the Rebbe to oversee global Chabad-Lubavitch activities, has launched a new program to help finance qualified young couples who wish to embark on Shlichus – a lifetime commitment to serve the spiritual needs of Jewish communities wherever they may be. The new program is made possible by an initial $1 million grant from Ronald O. Perelman, Chairman and CEO of McAndrews and Forbes Holdings and a long-time partner in the initiatives of Chabad-Lubavitch.

This was announced by Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov Chairman of Agudas Chassidei Chabad. “In recent years the interest among young Chasidim to choose a life career of shlichus has grown exponentially,” said Rabbi Shemtov.