Hundreds Attend the Levaya of Benny Keller OB”M

Family, Friends, Teachers, Mashpi’im and people that didn’t even know Benny, gathered around his Aron in front of 770 to ask Mechilla and say Tehillim. He was then escorted by a Hatzalah Ambulance along with many friends and members of the community to the Montefiore Cemetery in Queens where hundreds were on hand for the Kevurah.

The family will be sitting Shiva in their home at 935 Eastern Parkway between Troy and Albany in Apartment 1C [entrance from the right side of the main entrance]. Shacharis will be at 7:00am, Mincha and Maariv will be Bizmana.

Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim. Vehakeetzu Veranenu Shochnay Ofor VeHu besochom.

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Rebbezin Hodakov OB”M Mourned

Rebbetzin Etel Tzerna bas R’ Meir Shmaryahu Hodakov, who passed away at age 96 on Erev Shabbos was mourned today in Crown Heights.

The funeral procession left Shomrei Hadas and arrived at Bais Rivka Campus Chomesh shortly after 11:00am. There, hundreds of parents and students walked behind the Aron down Brooklyn Avenue till East New York. From there, the procession went to 770 where hundreds of people were on hand and went over to the Aron to ask Mechila and recite Tehillim. About 100 family members and friends attended the Kevura in the Bais HaChaim. Rebbetzin Hodakov was laid to rest on the first row opposite the Ohel, and in close proximity to Rebbetzin Nechama Dina and Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka.

Rabbi Sholom Yisroel Hodakov and Mrs. Chaya Kramer are sitting Shiva – until Erev Shabbos, click Extended Article for Nichum Aveilim information.

Youths get into fight, One Gets Shot with BB Gun

As if enough didn’t happen Friday… …At around 2:00pm a group of Jewish youths, some from Crown Heights, and others not, got into a fight in the alleyway between Shain Shul and Zakons Toys on Kingston Ave. when they were observed fleeing the alleyway leaving one behind, injured.

Hatzalah responded and began treating the youth for a BB gun shot to his hand and to his back. When questions by authorities as to his age and name he responded with silence and when asked what had taken place he responded the same way. Hatzalah then transported him to Kings County Hospital where he received further treatment.

Baruch Dayan HaEmes – Benny Keller OB”M

With profound sadness and pain we inform you of the sudden, untimely passing of Habochur Hatomim Benzion Berel Keller, son of, Yibadlu Lechaim Tovim, Rabbi Moshe and Rochel Keller of Crown Heights, on Shabbos. Benzion was 17 years old.

The Levaya will be leaving from the Shomrai Hadaas Chapel at 2:00pm and will be passing in front of 770 at approximately 2:45pm

Benzion is survived by, Yibadlu Lechaim Tovim, his grandparents of Florida; his parents; sister Urit Stern of Melbourne, Australia; brother Avi; sister Michal Rappeport; brother Yehuda; and sisters Shira, Sara Raizel and Nechama Dina.

Baruch Dayan HaEmes

Sharpton Enters Fray Over House Seat

The New York Times

The Rev. Al Sharpton got involved yesterday in a racially charged congressional contest in Brooklyn, asking Senator Charles E. Schumer, Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to take a position in a primary where a white candidate is running for a seat historically held by blacks.

The race involves the seat now held by Major R. Owens who, after 24 years in Congress, is not running for re-election this year.