Serious Tragedy Miraculously Averted

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This murky morning [Wednesday] at around 7:10am a fire broke out in a home on President Street between Brooklyn & New York, the family was just getting up and getting the children ready for school when smoke all of a sudden filled up the house. A call was immediately placed to 911, which sparked a quick response but when they arrived on scene they immediately called in for more backup, bringing a total of 9 fire trucks and engines.

The home which is constructed mostly of wood and sheetrock was quickly engulfed in flames, but thanks the Fire Department both parents and all 5 children were able to get out of the house unharmed! Due to the intensity of the flames, the fire fighters had to saw off the security gates and punch a big hole in the roof to gain entry to the upper levels of the house.

What caused this fire is still unclear and is being investigated.

Click Here to watch a short video clip of FDNY trying to get into the house.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

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In Postville, Iowa, kosher is kosher

National Geographic Magazine

This article appeared in the National Geographic Magazine a few months ago, yet it still is a very good article.

“Slaughtering an animal is a bloody business,” says Sholom Rubashkin, a manager at AgriProcessors, one of the largest kosher meatpacking plants in the country. A video secretly filmed last year in Rubashkin’s plant in Postville, Iowa, by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) demonstrates just how bloody. For an animal to be considered kosher, it must be killed by a swift cut across the throat with a perfectly sharpened knife. This ritual slaughter, called shehitah, is designed to ensure that death is nearly instantaneous. But the video shows cows moving, even trying to get up after being cut. PETA says this violates humane slaughtering laws and that the plant should be prosecuted.

Rubashkin says the video, shot over seven weeks, selectively shows those few cases in which a cow, though rendered unconscious, may not look like it was killed instantly—he compares the animal’s movements to a chicken with its head cut off. As he takes me on a tour of the chicken-processing side of the slaughterhouse—the birds’ featherless bodies clicking along on an overhead conveyor belt—he says the criticism is an attack not only on his company but also on an ancient tradition. “I think PETA is after the shehitah process,” he says in a staccato Brooklyn accent that has not softened after years in the Midwest. “They’d love to make it illegal.”

170 Shluchim Gather at West Coast Convention

West Coast Chabad Lubavitch
The Shluchim sitting in the ballroom at the Renaissance Hotel. Photo: Osher Litzman – COL

More than 170 Chabad rabbis and emissaries of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, gathered in Long Beach, California over the last two days for the annual West Coast Chabad Lubavitch Convention of Shluchim. The convention provided a forum for speakers and workshops, as well as a platform to launch initiatives to help Chabad representatives serve their communities.

The convention’s central initiative was the official announcement of Camp Gan Israel Running Springs, a new Jewish overnight camp located on Chabad’s Kiryas Schneerson mountaintop campus. Set on 70 acres inside the spectacular S. Bernardino National Forest, the state-of-the-art camp will open this summer, with separate sessions for boys and girls. CGI Running Springs will focus on children who may not have had prior access to a Jewish education, and will also welcome those already attending Chabad Hebrew schools and programs.

A Beautiful Gallery of pictures from the event in the Extended Article!

Praying For Sharon… Or Not…

This picture was published in one of the major news papers in the United States with the above caption. But then you take a closer look and you can see that the “prayer book” the man is holding, is in fact a “Sichas Hashavuah”, it’s like the L’chaim in Hebrew. So, who is he praying for?

A Faith Grows In Brooklyn

This amazing set of pictures from a photographer named Karolyn Drake first appeared last year and won her an award, now the national Geographic Magazine gave this set 14 pages.

Since the pages are so big you must click on the images to get a larger view and the rest of the pages are in the Extended Article. Enjoy!

An Open Letter to the Next Prime Minister of Israel

R. Shea Hecht

Despite the unfortunate circumstances which precipitated your coming to lead Israel, I would like to congratulate you on your acquiring leadership of the country.

As someone who feels such a closeness to the Holy Land of Israel, I would like to tell you what I envision as the future for Israel.

As I see it, Israel is a democracy among autocracies, the small among the big, the hunted among the hunters.

I would like to see peace in the Holy Land. I don’t relish the news of the attacks, murders, and bombings. I don’t want to hear about more katyusha rockets being fired or more buses being bombed.

New credit card would aid charities in Israel

Times Ledger

The Jewish community is being courted to get what may be the first credit card to benefit charities in Israel.

While there are hundreds of nonprofits that urge their supporters to make purchases through a Visa or MasterCard that is set up to automatically give them a payment, the focus of the charities is usually in the United States.

The new card targeted to the Jewish community across the United States — which was marketed through e-mail blasts and newspaper advertisements in Jewish publications in November — is called HAS, or Heritage Affinity Services, and was created by two Long Island businessmen.