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BESHT: A Question of Mamzerus

Shabbos at the BESHT: Rabbi Yacov Barber for many years was a Shliach in Melbourne Australia. He was a Dayan on the Melbourne Bes Din. He is currently residing in Crown Heights and is a Motivational Speaker, Life Coach,  and Advocate in Beis Din Proceedings. He will be giving this week’s shiur on A question of mamzerus.

Weekly Story: What About Me?

On the last day of Pesach, our custom is to partake in a special seudah (meal) beginning after Mincha, and many extend it past sunset. The Rebbe Rashab publicized this tradition in 5666 (1906) and informed us that it is called The Meal of Moshiach, and we are to drink four cups of wine. This year I participated in this meal, where Rabbi Mendel Gluckowsky, the Rov of Rechovot, Eretz Yisroel farbrenged and he related the following touching and inspiring story. With his permission I am publicizing it.