WATCH: Shlomo Simcha Collabs with Miami’s LEC on new Music Video
Featuring LEC students, new song puts a tune to possuk said for the Rebbe’s name at the end of Shemoneh Esrei
Featuring LEC students, new song puts a tune to possuk said for the Rebbe’s name at the end of Shemoneh Esrei
A hate-filled vandal who ripped two Mezuzos off of doorposts of a Crown Heights building has been arrested, according to Crown Heights Shomrim, less than a week after the act.
Yaldei Hashluchos worldwide are celebrating their annual Shabbos Tzuzamen this week. Organized by the MyShliach team at Merkos 302, 110 regional Shabbatons are taking place simultaneously across the globe.
Join Embrace Live for an unforgettable virtual event and hear from fellow Bais Rivka Alumnae and relive past productions with a twist.
During the week in which the words of the Torah are read, “And make me a sanctuary,” the city of Tiumen in Siberia experienced a continuous day of sublime and uplifting events, which resulted in a tremendous Kidush Hashem and raised the pride of the city’s thousands of Jews.
The CYP Encounter series continues, next up: Atlanta, Georgia. Providing a one-of-a-kind Shabbat experience for young Jewish professionals across the US Southeast, it aims to unite young Jews from Atlanta, Alabama, Florida, the Carolinas and beyond.
Daylight Savings Time begins on Motzai Shabbos and we ‘spring ahead’ – at 2:00am it will become 3:00am – taking away an hour of sleep.
Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, author and Chasidic historian shares interesting facts, many revealed for the first time. The purpose of his program is to inspire all but especially the youth. Watch another installment here on CrownHeights.info.
Shabbos at the BESHT: Rabbi Aryeh Israeli is a renowned Mashpia and gives lectures on topics of Chassidus and Kabbalah. He will be giving this week’s shiur on the topic of “Bring the oil to Moshe: Let’s elevate him higher than he can reach himself”.
Avremi and Avigayil Wolosh from New York had a baby girl!
In the early hours of Tuesday, March 4th, The Hustle Wig, a thriving business specializing in hat wigs, fell victim to a break-in that resulted in the theft of over $30,000 worth of inventory and supplies.
The final order date for Achdus Basket has been extended! With Purim right around the corner and a busy Erev Shabbos ahead, this is your last opportunity to place an order and send Shalach Manos the easy way.
Being the Purim is this coming Thursday night and Friday; I decided to share some of the highlights of various Purim farbrengens by the Rebbe. Obviously to each chossid there probably are different farbrengens or incidents that each one considers a highlight, and I am not even noting all those that I consider a highlight, such as Purim 5718 (1958) and Purim 5731 (1971). But I thought that the readers might enjoy this tidbit of Lubavitch History.
In this week’s Dvar Torah, Rabbi Katzman revisits the theme of illumination of the world. Through the Menorah in the Mishkan or simple good deeds, we can all bring more light into the world.
A new short film from JEM has been released focusing on the Rebbe’s vision for all humanity.