PSA: Need to hear Megila in Crown Heights?

<%image(20090309-megila-reading.jpg|525|324|Listening to the Megila in 770)%>

There will be Megilah readings throughout the day in Crown heights for men, women and children.

Monday, Purim evening:
Shain’s Shul 390 Kingston Ave.

Tuesday, Purim day:
Starting 11:00 a.m. – EVERY HOUR, ON THE HOUR
(until 6:00 p.m., except 3:00 p.m.)
Cevra Shas 398 Kingston Av. [Montgomery St. corner Kingston Av.]

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Famous Purim Rebbe Sicha – Rabbah Killing Reb Zeira

The Rebbe says:

1. The Talmud first tells us the ruling of Rava (a famous Amora) that, “One is obligated to become intoxicated on Purim until he does not know the difference between cursed is Haman and blessed is Mordechai”, and then it recounts a very interesting story for us:

“Rabbah and Reb Zeira (two prominent Amora’im) had the Purim feast together. They became intoxicated. Rabbah arose and slaughtered Reb Zeira. The next day, Rabbah prayed for mercy on Reb Zeira’s behalf and revived him.

The following year Rabbah asked Reb Zeira, ‘Let master come and we will have the Purim feast together’. Reb Zeira answered him, ‘Not every time does a miracle occur’”.

First Megilah Reading and Purim Party in the World!

CANTERBURY, New Zealand [CHI] — An overwhelming crowd filled the southern-most Chabad House in the world. Some two hundred people from across the country and the world, made their way to New Zealand’s only Chabad House. It was the first Chabad House globally to bring in Purim, due the time zone it is in. Rabbi Berri Spitetzki, assistant director of Chabad of New Zealand said, “This was definitely the largest crowd to congregate for Purim in the country’s history.”

Second Alarm Fire Destroys President Street House

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — A fast moving fire tore through a home on President Street at around 11:00pm last night, Sunday. Many of the occupants were forced to jump from the windows to escape the flames. The fire quickly spread to all floors in the house and forced FDNY to elevate the fire to a ‘two alarm fire’.

More pictures and a video in the Extended Article.

Gutnick Discusses Future of Mumbai Chabad House

Philanthropist Rabbi Joseph Gutnick, left, who pledged to help rebuild Chabad of Mumbai “to be even grander than before,” shares a word with Rabbi Nachman Holtzberg, father of murdered Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, on a landing at the heavily-damaged site of the former Chabad House.

MUMBAI — During the week of March 2, a series of meetings were held in Mumbai, India, to lay the groundwork for the future of Chabad-Lubavitch activities in the city.

Joining in the meetings, which included a tour of the Chabad House overtaken by terrorists last November, was Australian philanthropist Rabbi Joseph Gutnick, who pledged to help rebuild Chabad of Mumbai “to be even grander than before”; Rabbi Nachman Holtzberg, father of murdered Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg; and Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor of Thailand, who also oversees Chabad-Lubavitch in India.

Tonight! Global Purim Class, How To Read the Newpaper

Tonight, Purim, Monday, March 9, 2009, at 9:30 pm, Rabbi YY Jacobson will deliver a 40-minute live-streamed Purim class: How to Read the Newspaper – Learning from the Megilah How to Understand World Events. The class will have an accompanying curriculum which you can download.

To watch, please visit
To listen via telephone, please call: 1-616-347-8000. Access code: 1007852#

Shalach Manot, Don’t Forget your Classmates! An Innovative Idea

Lubavitcher Yeshiva of Crown Street came up with a great idea in which every child will get to properly enjoy Purim, by receiving and giving Shalach Manot to his fellow classmates. The following could be a true story:

Dear Parents ,שיחיו

It was Purim morning and Sholom was in high spirits. He stood by the mirror adjusting his costume. He smiled as he remembered how excited he was to be the first one in his class to buy a purim costume. He spent his chanuka gelt and allowance and bought his purim costume as soon as they went on sale. Before purim his mother took him shopping for the nosh he wanted to pack into the shalach manos he would give to his friends, and he spent a better part of the whole last week packing them neatly and creatively into the little bags he made. A small “to: from:” tag adorned the cute packages as they stood in the dining room waiting to be delivered.

Taanis Esther – The Fast of Esther – Laws and Customs

The fast begins at 5:56am and ends at 7:28pm (NYC Times)

Haman’s “Final Solution” was scheduled for the 13th of Adar. Instead, Haman was hanged, and by royal decree the Jews mobilized in self-defense and successfully defended themselves against all attacks. On the next day, the 14th of Adar, the Jews rested, savored their miraculous salvation, and established the holiday of Purim.

Whenever in peril, we are commanded to institute a fast day to repent, pray, and ask for Divine mercy. Thus the 13th of Adar, the day of battle, was a day of fasting.

GPS Lets Drivers Elude Red-Light Cams, DWIs

By Angela Montefinisefor the NY Post

NEW YORK, NY — It’s a scofflaw’s dream – new GPS software that alerts New York City drivers to red-light cameras, speed traps and DWI checkpoints so they can steer clear of cops and traffic tickets.

“The system gives you enough time to correct any dopey thing you’re about to do,” said Brooklyn subway conductor John Carlson, 49, who bought the software from Pennsylvania-based PhantomAlert last year, and said it “absolutely” has helped him avoid tickets.

Rabbinical Certification Program Tested on 70 Chapters of Shulchan Aruch

MORRISTOWN, NJ [CHI] — On the 9th of Adar 5769 a group of students of Yeshiva Tiferes Bachurim were put to the test. This is the elite group of advanced students in our Rabbinical Certification Program. Rabbi Moshe Herson, Dean of the Rabbinical College conducted the test where the students were systematically questioned and marked for their performance. This is part of an ongoing two year program which began in the fall. “There has been a need for this sort of course for a long time already” said Rabbi Yaakov Wagner who is overseeing the program. “Now someone who studies in Tiferes can become certified right here as a Rabbi, educator and community leader” continued Rabbi Wagner.

Rabbi Riebers Class Celebrate Purim in School

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Rabbi Rieber’s 7th grade celebrated Purim in their class for a half a day today! Talmidim dressed up and enjoyed a barbeque and Sushi, together with a live three piece band comprised of kids from the class!

More pictures in the Extended Article!

PSA: We Can Help You, You Can Help Us!

Take part in the mitzvah of machzitz hashekel while accomplishing the beautiful mitzvah of hachnosas kallah, helping chassanim and kallahs.

To accomplish this great mitzvah go to
712 Montgomery Street (Benjamins – b/t Kingston & Montgomery)
Downstairs in 770 (Rabbi Shmuel Benjamin) or
Crown Kosher 413 Kingston Avenue (b/t Montgomery and Empire)
Monday March 9 (taanis Esther) 12:30pm till 7:30pm
Tuesday March 10 (Purim) All day

Chabad Uses Purim to Teach the Virtues of Recycling

By Catherine Jun by for the Detroit News

FARMINGTON HILLS, MI — For weeks, Jonah and Riley Stearns have scoured their home — and their lunch boxes — for recyclables: empty Capri Sun juice pouches, egg cartons and cardboard rolls from toilet paper.

And each Sunday, the 7-year-old twins toted them in bags to Hebrew school at The Shul, a Chabad-Lubavitch synagogue in West Bloomfield, which is going “green” for this year’s Purim holiday.

Op-Ed: Celebrating Purim

Authors name withheld upon request

Hashem put us humans into this world. A world with its never-ending ups and downs, both physically and spiritually.

How lucky we are, us Yidden:
We received the Torah as a gift.
It is a gift from Hashem.

Hashem knows what is best for us and there IS NO OTHER TRUTH besides the Torah.
When we follow the Torah guidelines, we are assured by Hashem that we are living our lives in the best possible way, and in the derech that Hashem wanted us to live.

A way that is contrary to how Hashem wants one to live their lives distances one from Hashem, and will ultimately bring one to no good, one way or the other.

To help us live by the Torah’s ways, Hashem gives us leaders to help guide us and remind us of the correct way of life for a Yid.