ISRAEL [INN] — The Israel Agriculture Association has announced that dairy cows will begin receiving kosher for Passover bedding this week, and beginning next week, will get kosher for Passover food as well.

Cows to Get Kosher for Pesach Diet

ISRAEL [INN] — The Israel Agriculture Association has announced that dairy cows will begin receiving kosher for Passover bedding this week, and beginning next week, will get kosher for Passover food as well.

Dairy cows normally sleep on hay, from wheat plants. However, due to concern that the hay could stick to the animals’ bodies and trace amounts could enter the milk, the animals will sleep on non-wheat bedding beginning on Tuesday of this week.


  • Hmmmm

    You think they did this during the times of the Beis Hamikdash? Isn’t that taking things a little too far?

  • A farmer problem

    Israeli farmers have had problems counting their cows because math was not a required subject in the country.

    The Israel Agriculture Association has demanded they keep better records so now the farmers are using cowculators.

    Sorry couldn’t resist the opportunity.

  • Wondering?

    What’s a kosher l’pesach food for cows? Some kind of ground nuts? A lot of potatoes? Maybe live grasses?

  • Emunah

    I never saw a red cow
    But I always hope to see one
    And if Moshiach will come right now
    I don’t care what that cow will sleep on.

  • Milhouse

    Yes, they did this not only in the Beis Hamikdosh but in Europe and every other country where Jews kept milk animals. This is perfectly normal and I’m astounded at all the negative comments (mostly not on this site) by people who sound as if they don’t take Pesach seriously at all. YES, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT YOUR GRANDPARENTS DID, at least if they were Jewish.