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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 74% OFF Westcott Kids’ Scissors 12 Pack

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Westcott Right-and Left-Handed Scissors

Kids’ Scissors, 5-Inch Blunt Tip

Assorted Colors, 12 Pack

DEAL PRICE: $8.48 (74% OFF)


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Beis Hamikdash Shiurim in Crown Heights

Daily shiurim on the halachos of the Beis Hamikdash are taking place in many of the Crown Heights shuls. These shiurim are organized by the Lubavitch Youth Organization, in fulfillment of the Rebbe’s directive to increase in the study of Beis Hamikdash-related subjects during the Three Weeks.

BESHT: Parshas Pinchas – איך גיב דאָס איבער יעדערן פון אייך

Shabbos at the BESHT: Rabbi Shlomo Litvin is a Shliach of the Rebbe in Lexington Kentucky. A prolific writer and educator, he speaks internationally on Jewish issues. Rabbi Litvin serves in numerous leadership roles in Kentucky and reaches hundreds of thousands online. he will be giving this week’s shiur on Parshas Pinchas: איך גיב דאָס איבער יעדערן פון אייך.