Picture of the Day
The “World’s Widest Menorah” will be kindled at Chabad of Clearwater, Florida. The menorah measures 61.3 feet long—a nod to the Torah’s 613 commandments.
The “World’s Widest Menorah” will be kindled at Chabad of Clearwater, Florida. The menorah measures 61.3 feet long—a nod to the Torah’s 613 commandments.
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Building on the success of Chabad in Sheepshead Bay, which has achieved great success in orchestrating mivtzoim for many during major Yomim Tovim and bringing the Yomim Tovim experience to thousands of Yidden, we are excited to announce a new initiative aimed at enabling Crown Heights families to become the Rebbe’s Shliach-ambassadors of light.
Starting January 1, all non-Israeli travelers to Israel will be required to obtain an Electronic Travel Authorization, known as the ETA IL, before commencing their journey. This long-anticipated program was first announced earlier this year, and was originally slated to begin on August 1.
With great sadness we report that Chana (Hannah) Katzir, a former Hamas hostage has passed away just over one year after her release from captivity.
More than 100 people, including the city’s mayor, attended that first menorah lighting at Robin Bledsoe Park. For Rachel Binder, it was a milestone not just for the city, but for her family.
Can this article influence our community? No. But you’re not an article. You’re a Real Woman, filled with Divine Courage. Let’s talk about it.
Rabbi Shmuel Lesches, Maggid Shiur in Yeshiva Gedola of Melbourne, Australia, has compiled a guide to the customs of Nittel Nacht for the benefit of the wider Lubavitch community.
A thoughtful new Chanukah program brings festival lights to hospitals and nursing homes where traditional candles can’t burn. Produced by Merkos 302’s Chabad on Call, the program includes inspiring and engaging videos with timely themes, so patients and seniors can still experience the warmth of the holiday.
The slain troops are named as: Cpt. Ilay Gavriel Atedgi, 22, from Kiryat Motzkin; Staff Sgt. Netanel Pessach, 21, from Elazar; and Sgt. First Class (res.) Hillel Diener, 21, from Talmon.
Lubavitcher Yeshiva’s Grand Menorah Lighting at 570 Tomchei Temimim Way is set to dazzle this Chanukah, featuring the much-anticipated return of the Twins from France Show.
Menny Farkash ( Crown Heights) to Sara Gurevitch (Crown Heights) L’Chaim: Tonight, Monday, 8:00pm at the JCM
Alternate Side Parking Regulations will be suspended tomorrow, Tuesday, December 24, 2024, to facilitate weather operations. Payment at parking meters will remain in effect throughout the city.
In honor of Yud Tes Kislev, Rabbi Chaim Danzinger, Shliach to Rostov, Russia, visited the infamous prison where the Alter Rebbe was held and showed the wax museum on site with a special person included.
Yaacov Djian (Paris 15e, France) to Nechama Dinah Sultan (Brunoy, France)
Read the beautifully written article published in a recent issue of the Mishpacha Magazine on the Rebbe’s father, Reb Levik.
Courtesy of Crown Heights photographer Shmuli Evers, we present this winter shot of 770 Eastern Parkway following the recent snowstorm.
Nearly forty Lubavitch girls learning in the Ohr Chaya Seminary in Jerusalem were injured when a fire broke out in their dormitory Monday.