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Chabad Rabbi Zvi Kogan, 28, Murdered by Terrorists in the UAE

Rabbi Zvi Kogan, a Chabad-Lubavitch emissary to the United Arab Emirates who devoted himself to Jewish life in the Gulf state, was abducted on Thursday afternoon by Islamic terrorists in Dubai. In a horrific crime that has shaken the Jewish community of the UAE and around the world, as well as people of good will everywhere, Kogan was found murdered early Sunday morning. He was 28-years-old and leaves behind his wife, Rivky.

INBOX: The Realities of Hachnosas Orchim

It’s a zechus for us to live in Crown Heights and to play a role in hosting so many visitors. But as the influx of guests continues to grow, it’s important to reflect on the realities of hachnosas orchim and how we can ensure this mitzvah is approached with sensitivity, mutual respect, and appreciation.