BESHT: Parshas Pinchas – איך גיב דאָס איבער יעדערן פון אייך

Shabbos at the BESHT: Rabbi Shlomo Litvin is a Shliach of the Rebbe in Lexington Kentucky. A prolific writer and educator, he speaks internationally on Jewish issues. Rabbi Litvin serves in numerous leadership roles in Kentucky and reaches hundreds of thousands online. he will be giving this week’s shiur on Parshas Pinchas: איך גיב דאָס איבער יעדערן פון אייך.

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Weekly Story: The Farbrengen Continues 

One of the basic teachings of Chassidus is, that when we communicate and celebrate a special occasion, it is pertinent not only for that day, but that day should influence our conduct from then on. Therefore, this week, and b’ezras Hashem next week, I will be posting a few of the stories or anecdotes that I heard from various individuals at farbrengens recently on Yud Beis Tammuz as well as Gimmel Tammuz, which I believe the readers will enjoy.