BESHT: Powerful Lessons We Learn From the Spies
Shabbos at the BESHT: Rabbi Yossi Gordon of Chabad of Woodland Hills, California will be giving this week’s shiur on the Powerful lessons we learn from the Spies.
Shabbos at the BESHT: Rabbi Yossi Gordon of Chabad of Woodland Hills, California will be giving this week’s shiur on the Powerful lessons we learn from the Spies.
Jewish law commands each Jew to return the gift from Above—our physical bodies—to the earth and that the deceased is treated with reverence. So when a Chabad rabbi in a small town in Arizona had the opportunity to help a fellow Jew, who’d recently died, he rushed to help.
This coming Tuesday night, the 27th of Sivan is my mother’s yahrzeit. In her memory I am posting some aspects of her life.
Faigy Blumstein, a social media influencer from Woodmere, NY gives a class on Sefer Hatanya posted to her Instagram and the “Thank You Hashem” YouTube. In her inaugural class, Faigy tells her story of how she connected to Lubavitch and began learning Tanya.
In this week’s Dvar Torah, Rabbi Katzman reflects on the 30 years since Gimmel Tammuz and the ongoing impact of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
A two-day summit for Chabad Emissaries serving Jewish communities in 40 countries throughout Europe and MENA (Middle East and North Africa) took place in Krakow, Poland. Organized by the Kinus Office, the retreat saw the leaders tackle rising challenges throughout the vast region.
Two worlds collided in Crown Heights Thursday night with the Waterbury Hatzalah Car-1 making a stop outside of 770 Eastern Parkway and being captured in a photo.
A grand housewarming ceremony was held at Chabad of Old Tappan last Wednesday, including the formal inauguration of a CTeen lounge and a spa-like Mikva for women. Commemorating 18 years of community service, Rabbi Mendy and Devora Lewis look forward to the next 18.
The majority of a split Appellate Division court in New York overturned a lower court decision and upheld the 2022 substantial equivalency regulations, marking a setback for Yeshivas.