Second Arrest Made in Crown Heights Crime Spree
A tip to the Crown Heights Shomrim Hotline led to a second arrest today in a crime spree that took place in Crown Heights last Sunday.
A tip to the Crown Heights Shomrim Hotline led to a second arrest today in a crime spree that took place in Crown Heights last Sunday.
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Tens of community members and mispallelim gathered Sunday at the Har Shalom Cometary in Rockland County for the Kevurah of three Sifrei Torah, destroyed when a Shul in Pomona Heights went up in flames last month.
At a meeting of the Netzigim of Crown Heights held Wednesday night, the representatives of Crown Heights Shuls met to plan the “Meet the Candidates” forum that will take place Monday night, May 20, 8pm at Lubavitcher Yeshivah (New Side Hall), and to discuss the details of the upcoming election for Directors of CHJCC and Vaad Hakohol to be held on Sunday June 2.
As Lag B’omer begins Motzei Shabbos, a community bonfire event will be taking place at Wingate High School located at 600 Kingston Ave. (between Rutland Rd and Winthrop St).
On Tuesday night, Bochurim from 40 Yeshivos around the world united in a Moshiach Chidon learning initiative, demonstrating their commitment to promoting learning about Moshiach and bringing Achdus among Yeshiva Bochurim worldwide.
As HatzalahThon 5 takes flight, each city becomes part of something so much bigger. Strangers transform into brothers, and unknown faces become close friends. Together, we develop a pulsing heart that is unbreakable, with the knowledge that we are stronger when we stand as one.
Dr. Yitzchak Block is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Western Ontario. Upon the Rebbe’s instructions, he disregarded his desire to avoid academic conferences. One time, however, the Rebbe seemed to go too far.
You may have noticed flyers around town raising questions about Trader Joe’s. They said things like, “Is the long drive really necessary?” and “are chili lime chips really worth the drive?” The truth is, it was never really about Trader Joe’s.
Baruch Hashem, with all hurdles out of the way of this exciting dream for a professional home, Hatzalah is poised to not only continue being there for the community, but to do so on an entirely new level.
New York’s Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) system is expected to be unavailable on Sunday, May 19, 2024, between the hours of 12:01 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. New York’s EBT system will be changing over to a new EBT vendor during this timeframe.