BDE: Mrs. Ruth Averbuch, 89, OBM
With great sadness we report the passing of Mrs. Ruth Averbuch OBM, a longtime resident of Crown Heights. She passed away on Friday, the 2nf of Iyar, 5784.
With great sadness we report the passing of Mrs. Ruth Averbuch OBM, a longtime resident of Crown Heights. She passed away on Friday, the 2nf of Iyar, 5784.
Shabbos at the BESHT: Rabbi Mendy Hershkop is the Sgan Menahel of the Oholei Torah Mechina Division. He will be giving this week’s Shiur on Ahavas Yisrael from a chasidic perspective.
The IDF has cleared for publication that four soldiers from the 931st Battalion of the Nahal Brigade fell in battle in the Gaza Strip.
The United Nations General Assembly on Friday voted to adopt a resolution granting the Palestinian Authority the powers and rights of a UN member state.
With great sadness we report the passing of Esther Faiga Frances Miller OBM, mother of Crown Heights resident Chana Pesha Jacobson.
As the Rebbe stated many times, the Rebbe Maharash’s motto and indeed the way he conducted his entire life was in the manner of L’chatchilla Ariber – Not to be intimidated by any obstacle, but to go above it. In this article I am focusing on how the Frierdiker Rebbe’s approach in many or perhaps all of his communal matters were also conducted in this manner.
In this week’s Dvar Torah, Rabbi Katzman speaks about the novel method of viewing obstacles in life, through the lens of the Rebbe Maharash.
In light of war in Israel and rising antisemitism worldwide, New York City’s Jewish influencers launched the #GotMatzah campaign this Pesach, an effort to connect and support Jews around the world this Passover.
Several months before Pesach, “Moment”- the well known Yiddish newspaper, decided to bring the contemporary story of Russian Jewry to its readers, most of whom regularly read newspapers in Yiddish only, and were now exposed for the first time to the atmosphere of Yiddishkeit in the world’s largest country and its Chabad Shluchim.
Inspired by The Rebbe’s call for every Jew to be a Shliach and underscored by the increased need for connection in recent times, Chabad Young Professionals’ “Ambassadors of Freedom,” have helped distribute Shmurah Matzah to more people than ever before.