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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 74% OFF Cold Press Juicer, 5.4″ Extra Large Feed Chute

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Cold Press Juicer, 5.4″ Extra Large Feed Chute

Fit Whole Fruits & Vegetables, 350W Professional

Slow Masticating Juicer Machines, Easy to Clean

DEAL PRICE: $129.99 (74% OFF)


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Mazal Tov's View More

Shmura Matzah Presented To Ontario Premier

On Erev Pesach, as is his annual custom, Chabad Shliach Rabbi Yirmi Cohen of Toronto, Canada presented to his honor, the Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford and the Legislature, a box of Shmura Matza along with an explanation on the meaning of Matzah and the holiday of Pesach.