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IDF Chaplain Request for Sweatsuits Delivered in Just Four Days

On Thursday morning Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida, who was planning a community solidarity mission to Israel the following Sunday, received a call from the Israeli Army Chaplain at the Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheva with a request to find, purchase, and bring 90 sweatsuits for the wounded soldiers that need Rehabilitation & Plastic Surgery.

Unique Stamped Clay Sealing from the First Temple Period Unearthed in Kotel Excavations

A unique important discovery was made during archaeological excavations carried out in the Western Wall Plaza a few years ago, on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority and in conjunction with the Western Wall Heritage Foundation: a stamped piece of clay from the First Temple period that belonged to the “Governor of the City” of Jerusalem – the most prominent municipal position in Jerusalem of 2700 years ago.