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With great sadness we report the passing of R’ Chaim Shmuel Rabin OBM, a member of Anash on Edgware, England. He passed away immediately before Shabbos on the 7th of Adar 1, 5784.
“I really regret winning $18,000 and supporting the Rebbe’s moised, -said no one ever.
Dr. Baruch (Barry) Grossman will be sitting Shiva in Crown Heights following the passing of their mother, Mrs. Dorothy Grossman (Doba Gittel Bas Reb Fischel) OBM. Times and location in extended article.
Dedicated to the valiant, precious and holy soldiers on the battlefield who are risking their lives daily for the sake of Klal Yisroel all over the world! Hashem Yisborach shall protect and defend each and every single soul and bring them home safely to their families and homes.
Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, author and Chasidic historian shares interesting facts, many revealed for the first time. The purpose of his program is to inspire all but especially the youth. Watch another installment here on CrownHeights.info.