Seudah and Siyum Celebrates the Success of Mivtzah “Sichaseinu” at Mesivta of Coral Springs

Last night, the Mesivta of Coral Springs celebrated a joyous Seudah and Siyum at Chabad of Coral Springs in honor of the completion of their three-month Mivtzah titled “Sichaseinu.” The Mivtzah, ran by the dedicated group of Shluchim, focused on learning Likkutei Sichos and developing Yiddish, culminating in an evening filled with inspiration, speeches, awards, and prizes.

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Video Shiur: Hugs and Kisses in a Shul?

We present a video Shiur by Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm of Machon Lehoraa Online Smicha, discussing the halachos on whether someone is allowed to give a kiss to a small child in a shul.and the reasons behind these halachos. As well as questioning why this halacha only applies in a shul and not everywhere, at all times.

Lamplighters Podcast: Holy High – How Milwaukee Became Home to a Revolutionary Jewish Prep School

In Episode 41 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, reporter/producer Gary Waleik presents the story of Rabbi Yossi and Rebbetzin Ilana Bassman, tasked by Rabbi Mendel Shmotkin and Lubavitch of Wisconsin to open Bader Hillel High, a Milwaukee-area Jewish high school with an innovative approach to education and a diverse group of Jewish learners. The Bassmans insist that accessible education is the next frontier in the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s vision.