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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 50% OFF Non-Slip Cabinet Liner

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Shelf Liner, Non-Slip Cabinet Liner

Washable Oil-Proof for Kitchen Cabinet

Shelves, Refrigerator, Storage

Desks, 12 Inches x 10 FT

Non Adhesive Drawers Liner

DEAL PRICE: $11.19 (50% OFF)


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JEM: Inside the Schneerson Home — Dnipro, Ukraine, early 1920s

Yona Kesse (1907-1985) a Yekaterinoslav (today, Dnipro) native, was a lonely, hungry, teenager who had been orphaned of both parents in the Russian Famine of 1921. His four older brothers all perished in the Russian army. He later became a Member of Knesset. Carmella, his second wife, told the JEM team the story of how his special relationship with the Rebbe and the Schneerson family began.