The Jew Project: Ari Abramowitz, the CEO and Founder of Nevut
Ari Abramowitz, the CEO and Founder of Nevut – an organization dedicated to IDF Lone Soldier Veterans, sat down with Yisroel Teitelbaum of The Jew Project.
Ari Abramowitz, the CEO and Founder of Nevut – an organization dedicated to IDF Lone Soldier Veterans, sat down with Yisroel Teitelbaum of The Jew Project.
Bored in the long summer nights? Wife away in the summer? Come join the Summer Learning Program with nightly Shiurim by leading magidei shiurim.
Rabbi Homnick is an author of many Seforim on Rashi and other subjects of the Talmud. He is a student of Rabbi Hutner of Yeshiva Chaim Berlin. His father was a Talmid Muvhak of Rabbi Hutner and spent countless hours talking with him.
A Moshiach Chidon contest was organized for Moscow women for the first time, drawing over 100 participants to learn in-depth about Moshiach and be tested on the material.
A parking dispute in Crown Heights turned into a shocking beating Wednesday afternoon sending a Jewish man to the hospital.
CTeen Heritage Trip Leader and Shliach Rabbi Sholom Raichik recites Kaddish in the Jozefow Forest, Poland where 80 years ago today on July 13th 1942, about 1500 Jews were massacred in middle of the forest by the local police force.
The Shidduch House has hosted an array of events, and will now finally be dedicating an event for the shadchanim who put so much time, energy, and effort into the process of shidduchim.
The iconic wood door that fronts the 770 building was removed from its hinges Wednesday as it heads to a woodshop for restoration.
Watch a recap of an amazing second week at Gan Yisroel Parksville 5782/2022.
Thousands of CGI campers are experiencing the summer of a lifetime as they immerse themselves in authentic Yiddishkeit—starting with a Gimmel Tammuz rally.
Watch the unclassified version of a video shown to US President Joe Biden detailing the joint military technology developed in Israel.
Over 50 new and potential shluchos participated in the first ever Yesodos L’hatzlachas Hashlichus Seminar for women.
A Hachnosas Sefer Torah will be taking place today Wednesday, July 13th, in memory of Reb Pinchas Korf, a long time mashpia in Oholei Torah to thousands of Oholei Torah Talmidim.
Learning, more learning, sports and a Chassidishe Farbrengen with the campers at YSP Morristown.
An earthquake measuring 3.1 on the Richter scale shook northeastern Israel at 11:43a.m. on Wednesday morning, Israel’s Geological Institute confirmed.
In Episode 27 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, reporter/producer Gary Waleik presents the story of Rabbi Dov Yonah and Rebbetzin Sarah Korn, whose personal stories as young seekers sidetracked by other religions and hippie culture as they sought authentic spirituality.
Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal, Rabbi of Berlin and Chairman of the Jewish community Chabad Berlin, attended the traditional Hoffest event and thanked the Governing Mayor for her support of Jewish life in Berlin.