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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 52% OFF 10 Tiers Shoe Rack

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FIDUCIAL HOME 10 Tiers Shoe Rack

20-25 Pairs Sturdy Shoe Shelf

DEAL PRICE: $14.53 (52% OFF)


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Video of the Day

Chabad Shliach to Palmer, Alaska, Rabbi Mendy Greenberg, opened the United States Senate in Washington, DC Thursday morning, with a prayer in honor of The Rebbe’s 120th birthday, which falls on Yud Aleph Nissan.

Here’s My Story: Shocks and Awe

After directing a yeshivah in Buffalo, New York, in the 1950s, Rabbi Hershel Slansky went on to serve as the executive director of the Young Israel of Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights and then Congregation Sons of Israel in Woodmere, Long Island, before retiring in 1997. He was interviewed in his home in Woodmere in July of 2014.