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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 74% OFF Cold Press Juicer, 5.4″ Extra Large Feed Chute

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Cold Press Juicer, 5.4″ Extra Large Feed Chute

Fit Whole Fruits & Vegetables, 350W Professional

Slow Masticating Juicer Machines, Easy to Clean

DEAL PRICE: $129.99 (74% OFF)


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Mazal Tov's View More

Lamplighters Podcast: Trailblazing Shliach To Russia, Latvia, Sweden and Boston

In Episode 18 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, Lamplighters Reporter/Producer Gary Waleik presents the story of Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael Zuber – as told by his daughter Mrs. Chana Sharfstein – whose groundbreaking work as Shliach to Russia, Latvia, Sweden, and the U.S. was crucial in helping Chabad develop its model for outreach to Jews all around the world.