Hidden Treasure in a Closet in 770
Hundreds of previously-unknown original audio recordings found, soon to be published at ashreinu.app.
Hundreds of previously-unknown original audio recordings found, soon to be published at ashreinu.app.
Just before 6:00pm Tuesday evening, at the intersection of Utica Ave and Sterling Pl in Crown Heights, a man was shot in the arm outside a liquor store.
The historic Tenathon 2 took place this past Sunday and was an incredible success in every way.
Governor Kathy Hochul today announced more than $33 million in federal funding to support the efforts of 198 nonprofit organizations facing an increased risk of terrorism.
With Super Jew capes flying in the wind, Chabad Hebrew schools across the globe took off for another year of learning and fun.
Landlords in New York City are already on the hook for their tenants’ heat and hot water. A City Council proposal would add internet service to that list.
On Monday October 18th, Dr. Michel Klein, a Lubavitch professor, gave a fascinating online lecture titled “Performing Chassidishkeit: Spirituality and Identity in Chabad nigunim”.
This response was written by Rabbi Eli Gutnick a sofer in Melbourne Australia, in response to an audio shiur given by Rabbi Reuven Mendelowitz on the basics of safrus. In his shiur, he names Alter Rebbe’s Ksav “Ksav Chabad”, and claims that it is basicly not kosher.
Two Jewish inmates incarcerated in a Michigan penitentiary found themselves in front of a judge demanding cheesecake on religious grounds, and they won.
In a speech from Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, the terrorist organizations leader claimed that it has 100,000 trained fighters, according to a report by the Associated Press.
An earthquake in the eastern Mediterranean was felt across Israel Tuesday morning.
This vintage clip is has been claimed to be the earliest known footage of Avraham Fried in concert. In this footage, he is accompanied by famed guitarist Yossi Piamenta.
In addition to the 10:30am morning bus that leaves daily from Eastern Parkway and Kingston Ave, buses will now also be available at nights and early morning.
Due to ongoing concerns about Covid, there will be changes to theKinus Hashluchim’s in-person schedule. Among the changes, the iconic “class photo” featuring thousands of emissaries from around the world will not take place.
The Chabad world has experienced a notable increase in learning about Moshiach in the past eight months, including in the Latin American community.