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8:00pm: Lessons From 10th of Teves: Nipping a Problem in the Bud; Is it Necessary to Speak to Your Mashpia About Things That You Feel You Could Figure Out on Your Own?

The topics in this week’s 336th episode of the highly acclaimed MyLife: Chassidus Applied series, with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, will include: Why Does G-d Test People With Misfortune? Hei Teves: Celebrating the Enduring Eternity of the Rebbe, His Teachings and Directives; Lessons From 10th of Teves: Nipping a Problem in the Bud; Is it Necessary to Speak to Your Mashpia About Things That You Feel You Could Figure Out on Your Own? Is There Ever a Limit to Following a Psak Din? Is There Recourse to Challenge a Halachic Ruling? What Is the Spiritual Significance of Snow?

Congress Reaches Deal on COVID-19 Relief Package

Congress on Sunday struck a deal on a nearly $900 billion COVID-19 relief package that includes a new round of direct payments and help for jobless Americans, families and businesses struggling in the pandemic, NBC News reports.