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JEM: The 27th of Adar

Chof Zayin Adar, marks 28 years from when the Rebbe suffered a stroke, while at the Ohel — resting place of the Frierdiker Rebbe. One day prior, on Sunday 26 Adar, the Rebbe stood on his feet for several hours greeting thousands of people, handing each a dollar bill, a piece of advice, or a blessing.

Picture of the Day

The hospitals of New York City are already beginning to feel the pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the Governors requirement foe each hospital to increase its bed compacity by at least 50%, many hospitals have taken to erecting outdoor tents to handle the extra load. Maimonides Hospital, a staple hospital for the Crown Heights Jewish community, erected three large tents, this one outside its main entryway to triage arriving patients and facilitate intake.